The Plot-holes and Unanswered Questions of The 100

Raven and ALIE.png edited

Once again: Lindsey Morgan was incredible in the latest episode of The 100!  Her performance was the best part of the episode for the second week in a row!

Overall, the storyline of episode 3×11 was more intriguing than the past few episodes.  It was interesting seeing the main characters together again after drifting apart in season 2.  But like the previous episodes, there were major plot holes that left me with more questions than answers.  Not only are they confusing me, but they are also ruining the experience of the show because I’m left frustrated at the end of each episode as I try to understand the storyline.  So, instead of criticizing the episode, let me share the major questions that have been bothering me this season.

1) How does ALIE know about Lexa?  How did she and Raven know about Clarke and Lexa’s relationship?  How did they even know she died?  And how did they know to use Lexa’s death against Clarke?

Unless I’m missing something, ALIE was never aware of Clarke and no one, besides Murphy and Titus, knew about her relationship with Lexa.  Raven has been so far removed from the Polis/Clarke storyline this season and this was the first time she even interacted with Clarke since before the attack on Mount Weather.

2)  I thought one of the things Lexa’s return this season would allow the show to explore was how a Commander is chosen.  Do we even know how a Commander is chosen or what the conclave actually is?

Is the conclave just a fight to the death where the last person standing automatically becomes the Commander? Ontari just slaughtered all of the nightbloods and just assumed she would become the Commander…

3) Also, why do the nightbloods kill each other?  What would happen if the new commander died shortly after being chosen?  Since he or she would have presumably killed the other nightbloods in order to ascend, who would be next in line to become the Commander?

4) If the AI in Lexa’s neck is so important to the conclave and the role of the flamekeeper, why was Titus never around in season 2 when Lexa could have died at any time?  Shouldn’t Titus have been with Lexa at all times?  What would have happened if she died at Mount Weather or in the bombing of TonDC?  If it is such an important ritual, why wasn’t his character around since Lexa’s introduction?

5)  What is Jaha getting out of the City of Light?  Why did he partner up with ALIE?

6) And what even is the City of Light?  There’s only five episodes left this season and I still don’t understand…7) And where is Indra?! That isn’t a plot-hole exactly but she just sort of disappeared after finding out Lexa died. Where did she go?  Is she back at Polis?  When is she coming back?

I really want to be excited about the show again but these plot-holes and unanswered questions (among other things) are making it impossible for me to get sucked back into the story.  I spend more time trying to answer questions similar to the ones above than I do actually enjoying the episodes themselves.

Again, maybe I missed something along the way this season, so if anyone has any answers to these questions, leave them in the comments because I’m at a loss.

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