MCM Wil Wheaton
WHEATONNNN! I suppose that’s how most kids these days know who Wil Wheaton is, as a guest star on The Big Bang Theory. But he’s so much more than a fictionalized version of himself. Just taking a look at his IMDb resume will leave you exhausted.
Sir Wheaton has been acting since 1981 but his big break came in 1986 when he starred in Stand By Me, alongside River Phoenix, Corey Feldman, and Jerry O’Connell. If you’ve been living under a rock for the past 30 years, you need to see this movie. GO FORTH AND RENT.
The following year saw Wil cast as Ensign Wesley Crusher on Star Trek: The Next Generation. I know a lot of people like to hate on Wesley, but he was the main reason I watched. I was five when the show premiered and my dad would watch it faithfully. I would get bored unless Wesley was in the episode. How cool was it to have a kid on TV?! To be perfectly honest, TNG and Star Wars are the reasons I’m the nerd I am today. Thanks, Wesley!
After Star Trek ended, Wil went on to guest star in several TV series and did a few movies, including Flubber. However it’s only been in the past five years or so that he seems to have made a “comeback.” I use quotations, because for me he’s never been gone.
Wil can be seen heavily featured in Felicia Day’s web-series The Guild, as nemesis/love interest, Fawkes. He also spent some time on Eureka as Isaac Parrish. The past year Wil has been working on Titansgrave, in which the second season is currently in development.
And of course, we can’t forget his time on The Big Bang Theory as a fictionalized version of himself. I always enjoy when he guest stars on TBBT, it makes the show just so much better.
Wil is extremely active on Twitter, where he talks a lot about hockey and his dogs. He is also into gaming and will soon film season 4 of his series, Tabletop.