iZombie: Reflection and Speculation

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It’s that time of year once again. After a season of brain-chomping, corporate plotting, shady mob plots, zombies turning into people turning into zombies, and fighting crime, we’ve hit finale week, and things look dire indeed. iZombie’s two-hour finale is sure to be packed with game-changing twists and turns, so I feel like now is a good time to consider where we’ve been with the show recently, and where we may hopefully go with loose ends leading into season three.

So: that’s what I’ve got as we head into season two’s remaining hours. The promo also has me concerned about the fates of Ravi and Major (Ravi, in particular, is a character I do not think I could bear to live without). How do you feel about the storylines that have led up to this point, and where are you hoping this installment ends up? Sound off in the comments below.

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