Five Best Moments of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Episode 3.15: “Spacetime”


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I love it when Marvel goes Sci-fi. And in Agents of SHIELD, the writers actually explain the “science” behind part of it. This episode started on a strange note with a homeless man carving a wooden bird. Soon, we’d realize that when this man touches somebody else, he gives them a vision of the future, and specifically, future death (because it wouldn’t be Agents of SHIELD otherwise). Daisy, of course, brushes hands with the homeless man right before he is kidnapped by Hydra, causing her to see his death and convince the SHIELD team to go on a mission to rescue him. This was a very fun episode at certain parts, and very sad at others. Here are the 5 best moments from this episode.

*Side theory: given that the person with the vision has to be present at the death of the person seen dying, could this SHIELD agent be Daisy? No one else was in the ship as far as we saw, and no one else could survive that anyway.

*Side theory: maybe Lash’s cause is to defeat Hive’s (Ward 2.0) legion of inhumans.

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