Exclusive Interview: Kaitlyn Leeb Talks Shadowhunters’ Season Finale

Despite last week’s Shadowhunters being heavy with Alec’s wedding plans, the episode also made progress in Clary’s journey to save her mother with the reveal that the Book of the White could help wake Jocelyn from her coma – trouble was, Clary and company learned it was the vampire Camille Belcourt who possessed it, and she was imprisoned down in the basement of the Hotel Dumort. I had the pleasure of chatting with actress Kaitlyn Leeb about her character’s return in tonight’s season finale ‘Morning Star’ and where that may lead her next.
Kaitlyn is best known for her roles in the 2011 film Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings, the 2012 remake of Total Recall, and portraying Cassandra on CBC’s long running drama Heartland. Read her interview below!
Camille’s involvement was brought back into the show with the reveal last week that she’s in possession of the Book of the White. How involved is she in the finale?
Camille is pretty involved in the finale. She plays a big role here when it comes to the Book of the White, which you know will ultimately help Clary finally find her mother. It’s a fun finale. I’m really excited for you all to see.
You got locked in a coffin! On a scale of ‘hell yeah’ to ‘hell no’, how was that for you?
This is such a good question, I’m so glad you asked. (laughs). At the beginning, when I first read the script, I was totally fine with the coffin thing, excited even. I thought it would be cool and I knew it would be completely safe. But when it actually came down to it and I was put in the coffin and they closed the lid, my heart started pounding and I felt something I totally didn’t expect. I was super uncomfortable. I really had to concentrate on calming myself down. Our stunt coordinator, Steve, was so great though. He stayed close by and opened the lid every time we cut. It was an experience I won’t forget.
The last time we saw Camille, she was being given a major up-close stare down by her Vampire followers. What do you know about her time between then and now?
Camille had broken the accords and was taken away, locked up in solitary in her coffin. She was in the hands of Raphael from that point until we see her again in the finale.
Camille’s past with Magnus has been touched on a couple of times, especially last week. Is that a sign of things to come? Will we get to see her interact with him tonight?
Yes! Camille and Magnus have a very long and complex past. It goes back centuries and I love the back-story of the two of them. They are quite entertaining. I can’t give away too much but we will get to see some Camille and Magnus scenes and they are amazing!
We learned a little of how Magnus views Camille, but how do you think Camille views Magnus?
I think Camille has a love for Magnus that will never go away. However, I don’t think it’s a kind of love that you see in love stories. I think Camille thinks Magnus will always be in her life at some points throughout the years. Coming and going. Their history is too grand.
Do you think given his current state of happiness with Alec that she’ll return to play havoc with that?
Doesn’t Camille always intend to play havoc on everybody? (laughs) She will love to get in the middle of Malec, I think that would be very entertaining for Camille.
That old photograph of Camille, Magnus and Ragnor together looked like that could have been a fun day on set. And your dress was stunning! What was filming that like?
That day was so fun. I never had the opportunity of dressing up in a period piece before. The hair, makeup and wardrobe were incredible. I loved every second of being in that costume even if it was just to take a few pictures. And Magnus and Ragnor looked amazing as well. It was really fun to pose for those pictures. I wish we had more of an opportunity to show off that 1800’s look. Maybe next season!
Do you know if we’re going to see any more past interactions between Camille, Magnus and Ragnor?
I don’t know what is to come next season but unfortunately that’s all the interaction the three of them have for season 1. Ragnor doesn’t like Camille too much, understandably. Hopefully we will get another chance to really showcase the back-story of Camille, Magnus and Ragnor in the future.
We all know Camille is the queen of cunning. What do you think her next plans involve? And will they put her back on top?
Oh she definitely plans to get back on top! She has it in her blood, no pun intended (laughs). But it is a part of who she is. She loves being in control, she loves manipulating people and I think she will do whatever it takes to get her position back. She can’t be too thrilled with Raphael at the moment. I’m sure she didn’t like being overthrown like that.
Has your understanding of Camille changed at all since the show began airing?
I feel like I grew with Camille as we were shooting. It was such a wonderful experience. I can’t say my understanding of her changed as I always felt like I knew her and made her apart of me but I think we grew together as we filmed season 1. She has so many layers and they are so fun to reveal at times. I’m so happy with how season 1 came out. I’m so proud to be a part of the show and honored to play such a great character. I truly can’t wait to see what is in store for next year!
Catch Kaitlyn tonight on the season finale of Shadowhunters at 9pm/8c on Freeform, and tomorrow internationally on Netflix.
1 comment
Fantastic interview! Kaitlyn is so great as a person and as Camille. I’m excited to see more of her tonight and I really hope that we get loads of her next season.