Fuller House 411: “Funner House”

Forget Fuller House, it’s all about “Funner House” in the third episode when Kimmy and Stephanie take DJ out for a Girl’s Night. The she-wolf pack goes wild for the sexy Chmerkovskiy brothers (channeling “The Roxbury Guys”) and Kimmy resists the hypnotic lure of her ex’s undulating hips. In the end, sisterhood wins out and the girls have the time of their lives.
Here’s the 411 breakdown:
Best Moments
- “Everything is wiggling.” Fernando seduces Kimmy onto the dance floor with his wicked wiggling. Juan Pablo di Pace’s Fernando won me over in this episode with his charm, hilarity, and heart. Long live Fernimmy!
- Watching Stephanie groove with Val should make everyone excited to watch Jodie Sweetin vie for the Dancing with the Stars trophy. The girl may shake it better than she DJs!
- Leaf blower toilet paper gun, ‘cause who wouldn’t want one of those?!?
- Kimmy and DJ demonstrating BFF goals when they dirty dance together in Euphoria’s Legendary, Nightly Dance-Off with an assist by the Butabi brothers, I mean the Chmerkovskiy brothers.
- Val and Maxim in all their cheesy, motors-running, eyebrows-quirked, bare-chested glory. I’m hard-pressed to say who was more ridiculous.
We know @jodiesweetin has the moves to win #DWTS! Go team #MoSweet! pic.twitter.com/ALetC30qGM
— Fuller House (@fullerhouse) March 22, 2016
Worst Moments
- No woman in her right mind would be hustled out the door in a ponytail and sweats to get glam in an Uber. Puh-lease.
- Macy seems out of place and rightly questions her gig at Euphoria.
- Joey and Mr. Woodchuck
- Reminiscing about putting the closet pole through Danny’s wall.
- “You got it, dude.”
- “How rude!”
Best Lines
DJ: What if Uber sees my boobers?
Kimmy to Macy Gray: I just have to say, I love your music and your Thanksgiving Day parade.
Macy: What am I doing here? I won a Grammy.
She-wolf pack: Awooo.
Rapid Review
Easily my favorite episode to date. The laughs are plentiful, the dancing fun and the sisterhood stronger than ever. Awooo!
Fun Facts
- Joey Gladstone isn’t married, but he’s wearing a wedding ring in this episode! Take a look at his left hand when he leans down to talk to Tommy in the playpen (4:41).
- Jodie Sweetin really does sing on the show, just ask John Stamos, but watch her mouth when she’s singing “The Time of My Life” and you’ll see a goof. Her lips say “I’ve never felt this way before,” but her audio says “I’ve never felt like this before.” The first one is correct according to Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes’ lyrics.
- “The Time of My Life” was Dirty Dancing‘s theme song and won an Academy Award, a Golden Globe and a Grammy.
What did you think of “Funner House?” Did you love Maks and Val? Would you fall for Fernando’s wiggling? What was your favorite part? Tell us below!