Were you familiar with the DC TV universe before you were cast as Jesse?
I had seen The Flash. I had seen a couple of episodes so I was like this is pretty cool. It’s a different take on superhero stuff than the stuff that’s out in the movie theater, that’s a lot darker. I liked that the show was more bubbly in comparison to superhero-ism. I hadn’t seen Arrow yet, but I recently started watching it because of all the crossovers and all that. It’s also different enough from The Flash because it’s more focused on the one guy. I think they’re doing a great job of covering the DC world.
What has your experience been working with the cast and crew?
Since the moment I got there, everyone has been so cool! Everyone is welcoming and always cracking jokes. The crew, I can say this forever, I feel like the crews on any show or movie are so underrated. They’re there more than we are and they work their butts off. This cast and crew is really badass, kicks butts and takes names. They’re very cool.
Are we going to learn who Jesse’s mom is?
You know, right now it’s not in the storyline as far as I’ve read. I mean they’re writing new things every single day, and I only get the script the episode before, but for now we’re exploring other things. I think there’s a lot about Jesse’s life and Harry’s life that they need to explore first. I’m sure it’ll come up.
Can you give us a hint of what to expect from Jesse now that she’s free from Zoom?
Yeah, I mean she’s going to have to figure out her new life. Now that she’s on Earth 1, she left everything behind. Even though she knows it was for her own good. So just seeing how she sort of gets used to life on Earth 1. It’s gonna be a challenge but ultimately something that she’ll have to do. It’ll be interesting to see her not be scared of Zoom and you’ll be able to see more of who she is.
What is Jesse’s relationship going to be like with the rest of Team Flash?
(laughs). She’s a little sassy, so she can hold her own. I don’t think she’s afraid of them, so she’ll talk back. She obviously wants friends you know. She left everyone she knew in Earth 2 and now she’s in this new weird place. You’ll see those relationships build and she’ll kind of find her place with Team Flash. I mean she’s crazy smart. She’s apparently smarter than her dad. So, I think she can have a lot to offer.
Do you have any funny on set stories you can share with us?
Just getting to know everyone is really like–just the banter between Carlos, Tom and Grant is hilarious. They just go off on each other. It’s ruthless really but it’s funny. One of the best moments, one of the coolest things so far has been when I showed up on set and I got a chair with my name on it, I thought that was crazy cool. My first chair with my name on it in a show yet. (laughs). That was a really cool moment for me.
In the comics Jesse has been affiliated with Wally West, will we see Jesse and Wally meet in the show?
Yeah, I mean Wally at this point doesn’t know who the Flash is or anything. So I think once he starts to get more familiar with the team and I start to get more familiar with the team, I definitely think they’ll meet and they’ll have some sort of relationship. I think Keiynan is an amazing human being. He’s been a really cool person to get to know on set. I’m happy to work with all of the people. I think as the relationship with these real people grow, the characters sort of take that on too. Obviously in the comics there’s the whole speed force, and I think Andrew knows that he has to give the fans what they want. So, I think at some point there will be, hopefully this season, but we don’t know yet, speed force uniting and all that.
Are we going to see any romance in Jesse’s life?
Yeah, maybe. I think the show needs some romance now that you know Patty Spivot left. I think the viewers are gonna want another love interest. I would obviously be excited about a new relationship with new characters.
If you could play any other character in The Flash, Arrow, or Legends of Tomorrow, who would it be?
Oh man! That’s a tough one. In the whole DC family side? You know I think Supergirl is a really fun character. I think Melissa kills it. She does such a great job. But it’s a fun character to explore. I think that storyline is really cool.
Can you tell us anything about what Jesse’s relationship is going to be like with Caitlin and Iris?
Yeah. I think this show does a really good job of empowering women and gender and race equality. They’re a little bit older than her and she’s still in college so she might need some mentors or some style guides or something like that (laughs). I think they’re going to sort of step in and help her out and help her feel more at home. So I think they’re going to help her get used to this world and all these people.
What’s your favorite part of playing Jesse?
I really like how quick-witted she is. Plus she’s pretty sassy. It’s kind of fun to talk back to these people and my dad. It’s a fun thing to explore. She’s a little bit more sassy than I am in real life.
Our website is called Talk Nerdy With Us, what’s something you’re nerdy about?
DIY. Like anything to do with renovating. I buy pieces like little dressers that are $5 and I bring them home and my boyfriend’s like, “WHY are you bringing this into our house” (laughs). I spend all of my time trying to make it look like it was $500. But yeah I get like really into it.
Don’t forget to watch The Flash on Tuesday nights at 8:00 p.m. on The CW Network.