Exclusive Interview with Pop Artist Colette Carr

ms2_0721For the past few years, Colette Carr has been making a name for herself on the dance charts. With a #1 video on MTVU and a song on the Billboard Top 100 Dance charts, Colette is well on her way to taking Pop music by storm. Recently, I had the chance to talk to Colette about her newest single “Play House”, touring and Pokemon. Read our interview below.

Can you describe your sound to our readers?

I think it’s best if they just check it out because it’s super hard to describe the sound. It’s pop music with my personality in it.

How were you discovered?

I jumped on stage at a Game concert (laughs) and I freestyled and started making music after that. I made a music video to go with one of my songs. It went to #1 on MTVU and Nick Cannon discovered me from that.

What inspires your lyrics?

Everyday problems. Falling in love. Things that I see. Things that I hear. Life experiences. I just try to go in the studio with a clear head. Once the beat gets created, I just open up all the walls and let it flood in. Whatever sticks, sticks.

Why did you decide to split up your debut album “Skitszo” and your new album “Believe in Us” into four EPs?

I wanted to do something really different and groundbreaking with The Skitszo Collection. So I decided to break it up into parts. I wanted to not only release music in that way but make the songs as fast as I was releasing them. When I set those dates I actually didn’t have the music already in place. So I was forcing myself to create EPs and release them as fast as I made them. Which was really cool at the time.

What did it feel like when “Never Gonna Happen” hit the Billboard Dance top 100?

It just feels amazing when any kind of art is validated in any kind of way. It meant a lot to me. The response that I was getting from fans online, on Twitter, on Instagram, etc was really positive. It felt great.

What can fans expect from your new album “Believe In Us”?

If they listen to “Static. Start” and “Play House,” I think they’ll get a good idea of where my head was at musically when I recorded this album with Frankmusik. They can expect more of the same vein of music.

What was it like touring with LMFAO, Far East Movement, Frankmusik, Natalia Kills and RyRy?

That tour was incredible! To be on a bus with that many creative artists was so much fun. The bus was full of opinions and personality. It was really, really an amazing experience.

Will you be touring to promote the new album?

Yes, I will be! However, I don’t have any specific details at this time that I can share.

What is the one thing you must have with you on tour?

(laughs) I really never have enough room in my suitcase. If I miss home I Skype with my mom and she puts my dog on Skype.

We at TNWU all have something nerdy/geeky about us. What is something nerdy or geeky about you?

I have a Pokemon obsession! I collect Pokemon cards. I collect Pokemon socks, Pokemon underwear, Pokemon pajamas, Pokemon slippers, Pokemon robes, Pokemon blankets, etc. 

Are you excited about the new Pokemon video game?

Yes, I am! I’m really excited. I’m excited about anything Pokemon.

Where can you find Colette Carr:


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