Three Internet Shows Making a Splash

In an age where television is found through all media, these three shows are making a name for themselves through sheer talent, drive, and pure, unadulterated passion. Here is my list of who’s who, and what’s what.


Hart of America

Archer’s Amber Nash lends her body and her voice to this live action comedy against the backdrop of a state park. Produced by Dad’s Garage Theatre Company, the web series takes ridiculous to a new level as it explains away murder, dumb cops, and Big Foot. What more could you ask for?


Miles and Cal

Consisting of edgy and original productions, Lamont Pierré has thrown together many real and inviting cinematic experiences. Miles and Cal is about two men, one professional, and one homeless, trying to sort out their lives in Los Angeles with all of the dramatics that come with the ‘hookup’ culture and what to really expect from relationships.



Life as Junnie Brown

Up and coming filmmaker Niema D. Graham has just released one of my favorite new internet shows, Life as Junnie Brown. Originally a movie, the show portrays Junnie Brown, a radio host, looking for love and all the perils that come when no one is faithful and everyone wants to be loved.

Read my interview with Niema D. Graham below.

Tell me about the show.

The concept of Junnie Brown is based around a young lady who is a radio personality. She is very driven and she just decides to take some time in her personal life to date, because now she’s open to it. She meets a guy who is successful, but he is not honest with her completely. So she is just left hanging. The web-episodes pick up with the relationship with Kurtis, Paige, Junnie, and Kurtis. You get to see the new dynamic between Junnie and Kurtis, as well as new characters. I wanted to open up new story lines.

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I see that, especially with Paige’s character.

Right. You don’t see that in the movie, but I wanted to open up a little more and show these different story lines. I wanted everything hyperlinked, so everybody is connected somehow.

Was Life as Junnie Brown the type of show you wanted to make or was it just a starting point for you?

Junnie Brown was originally just a character. She was my alter ego, and I made her into somebody I wanted to be at that time. I wanted her to be this cool chick, but relatable to other girls as well. I made her into myself pretty much. I used her to tell my own personal experiences or the experiences of my friends.

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How does it feel to be a young entrepreneur in this business?

When I got out of school, I didn’t have anything. I just had the film I did before I graduated. I basically had a notebook and a pen. I only had the clothes on my back. I was working two to three jobs at a time because to do this, it takes money. I was reaching out to people to link up with me, but nobody was reaching back, or they were saying no. I got tired of asking for help. So I just worked hard to get money so that I could take chances and invest in equipment. I have met a few people who have shown me what the business side could be like, as far as people trying to fu*k you over, or talking a good game, but not living up to your expectations of them.

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I’m just willing to get it and go after it, truly. I want to be a creator and work on myself and for myself. It’s great because I have creative control and I enjoy the feedback from audiences. As far as the bad, it’s not really bad all the time; it’s just what comes with the territory. It can be discouraging at times because you don’t know if you are putting out great work, or if it’s interesting, or if people will like it or if there is no reaction. And those are the types of things that I try to keep in mind or ignore. I just know that it’s a progression. I am farther than I was when I first came home from school and had no camera, no computer, to now doing so much more than when I first got here.

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What are your plans for the future?

As far as Junnie Brown, after season one, it’s kind of up in the air. I would love to do a season two, but it’s really based on how everybody feels about it. I started the web series because so many people liked the movie. So I decided to do something different. It’s really about what the people want. I’m always working on new material, but things take time. I’m still going to continue to work; I have new designs for shirts for spring and summer, so look out for those.

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