Talk Nerdy With Us Weekly TV Superlative Awards (February 14th-20th)

BEST ONE-LINER: legends of tomorrow
“this isn’t my first prison break” – leonard snart
Legends of Tomorrow has been filled with nods to pop culture all over the place, but some of the most prominent of these have been to the TV show Prison Break. Can you blame them? If you had actors who played the two main brothers in a show also starring in your show in a very much brotherly capacity, wouldn’t you take full advantage of it? Ever since both Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell were cast as Captain Cold and Heatwave respectively, I have been anxiously awaiting all kinds of easter eggs in the show, and boy did it deliver them this week on hyper drive. Not only was Dominic Purcell’s character once again found in a prison, but Wentworth Miller’s Leonard Snart was left outside the prison to help break him out. The references continued when we saw Dominic Purcell’s Mick nickname Ray Palmer “Pretty,” a nickname with which Wentworth’s character in Prison Break was frequently referred as. But the icing on the cake was when Leonard told Rip that this wasn’t his Prison Break. The writers saw their chance, and they took it!
BEST badass character: supernatural
delphine seydoux
We’ve met quite a few Men of Letters in the past in Supernatural, but before this episode, we weren’t made aware that there had been Women of Letters in the past before the secret society was disbanded by Abaddon. This week, as Dean traveled back in time to WW2 to steal a weapon with the power of God, we had the pleasure of meeting our very first Woman of Letter. Delphine Seydoux was amazing and badass and I’m truly sad we had to say goodbye to her so soon. Not only did she deftly go undercover as a French traitor to get cuddly with a Nazi officer to recover a divine artifact, but she was also ready to accept her doomed fate in the line of duty. She sacrificed herself to take down the German ship attacking their submarine and was able to help Dean get off the ship with the Hand of God.
charles pike
By far the worst, xenophobic, intolerant, fear-mongering, manipulative and self-entitled character I have ever seen on any show–I’d even call him utterly one-dimensional at this point. He leads a massacre on 300 Grounders collated from nearby villages on Lexa’s orders to protect Arkadia. Despite Kane’s insistence that Indra, a trusted Grounder, had assured them that’s exactly what they were there for, Pike led a horrific, unforgivable genocide whilst the Grounders were sleeping and killed the wounded–hence, the episode title Hakeldama (Field of Blood)–even though it was peacetime and absolutely no war was headed Arkadia’s way. It was disgustingly xenophobic and he just reeked of imperialism. (Contributed by Nicola Choi)
curtis gives felicity her present
At Oliver and Felicity’s engagement party Curtis gives Felicity a gift, a microchip. He goes on to explain that once the chip is implanted into Felicity’s spine she will most likely be able to walk again. Most importantly, she’ll be able to walk down the aisle to marry Oliver. The scene is full of emotional intensity as Oliver and Felicity realize what this present means and Felicity is left choking back tears in gratitude. (Contributed by Allison Warner)
BELLaMy and clarke’s confrontation
It’s no doubt that the delinquent co-leaders, Bellamy and Clarke, have one of the most complex, intricate, and important relationships of the show, which is why it was immensely satisfactory to see their relationship given its due focus when the two reunited once again this week. The heated confrontation was a long time coming after everything that they have both gone through since last season, but that still did not make it any less heartbreaking or painful to watch. It was cathartic to see both of them lay their feelings out on the table after previously keeping their walls up. Both Bob Morley and Eliza Taylor gave one of their best performances to date as they pulled us in to the emotional turmoil that their characters have been faced with. It was a testament to Morley’s incredible performance that he gave us a new perspective on what’s causing Bellamy to act the way that he is even if the narrative has been a little hard to swallow at times. Bob and Eliza have always played really well off of each other, and the emotional intensity that they brought to the scene really showed why these two characters and actors work so well together. Nevertheless, it was heartbreaking to see one of the core dynamics of the show be at such odds with each other, especially when the end of the scene saw Bellamy handcuffing Clarke and later Clarke had to use a shock-baton on Bellamy to free herself. Hopefully these two will find their way back to each other as the tend to.
MOST heartfelt reunion: THE flash
dr. wells and jesse
In their second week in Earth 2, our heroes were finally able to make it to Zoom’s lair. Of course, this could not have been accomplished without the help of several Earth 2 characters, especially when Earth 1 Barry found himself a captive of Zoom in said lair. After a suspenseful rescue attempt that almost went awry, they were finally able to break Barry and Jesse free. This gave us one of the most heartfelt reunions of the show as Dr. Wells was reunited with his daughter, Jesse. The two have been kept apart this entire season since Zoom kidnapped Jesse and used her as leverage to make Harry do his bidding.
BEST BUDDY MOMENT: legends of tomorrow
Ray and Mick in the gulag
When two unlikely teammates get stuck in a Russian prison together, it’s bound to bring the closer together. Mick might not be the biggest Ray Palmer fan, but by the end of this episode, he had developed a sort of camaraderie with the Atom. It was heartwarming to see Ray try to save Mick’s life by taking a beating for him, and Mick to return the favor by insisting that Leonard and Mick not leave an unconscious Ray behind when they escape from the prison. Who would have thought we would see this unlikely duo team up and protect each other?
funniest scene: brookln nine nine
amy and terry dance for gina
Gina’s revising for an astronomy test (oh dear) and Amy–with naive enthusiasm–tries to educate Gina on the wonders of the universe. In fact, her knowledge is dire enough for her to enquire “what’s Star Wars?” to Amy’s deadpan, disappointed, “Oh boy.” In the end, Terry and Amy team up to try and teach Gina the importance of astronomy with a hilarious and quite epic interpretive dance routine, which involves ripped Terry in a tank-top–and when they’ve finished, Gina applauds them…only to reveal she’d already passed the test anyway and the reason for watching them embarrass themselves with that awful dance routine was to see Terry’s beastly chest in action. (Contributed by Nicola Choi)
daryl blows up negan’s men
Just when we think Abraham or Sasha is going to die, here comes Daryl with an RPG to save the day, blowing up Negan’s men. (contributed by Allison Warner)
most suspenseful SCENE: agent carter
ana jarvis is shot
Whitney Frost shot Mrs. Jarvis in order to escape Stark Mansion. The final scene had Jarvis and Peggy waiting to find out if Ana would make it through surgery or not. (Contributed by Jenni Bradley)
That’s it for this week! Don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comments and let us know if we missed anything or if there are any categories you would like us to add! We will see you next week with more Talk Nerdy With Us Weekly TV Superlative Awards!