Roundtable Discussion on The 100 Episode 3×03, “Ye Who Enter Here”

With a show as grey as The 100, there can be innumerable interpretations of the same events. This week, we at Talk Nerdy With Us (TNWU) decided to ask several of our writers who watch this post-apocalyptic madhouse of a show to speak about their differing views on a variety of topics that were covered in episode 3×03, “Ye Who Enter Here.”
Check out the discussion below and leave your own remarks in the comment section.
How do you interpret Clarke’s interactions with Kane, Abby, Lexa, Bellamy, and Roan in 3.03? There appears to be much debate on social media regarding whether or not she was in character.
McKenzie Morrell:
Clarke’s interactions with every person on the episode were in character for me. She’s constantly evolving and those relationships are going to evolve too. It’s probably why I don’t really believe in out of character things, because every action that a character makes is for a reason.
Clarke’s refusal to work with Lexa in the beginning and that wavering rage that drove her to hold a knife to Lexa’s throat and eventually drop at her feet was magical and realistic. When it came down to it, Clarke decided to do what was right for her people, and right now she doesn’t know who she can trust. Not Lexa, not Roan, but out of those two… Lexa seems like a safer bet. At least she can bend Lexa to her will if need be– Roan doesn’t mean anything to her and vice versa (for now anyway) so there’s no real leverage. I think Clarke sees that Lexa cares for her and is using it to her advantage. Where that goes, I guess we’ll have to keep tuning in to find out.
Nicola Choi:
I thought the Clarke/Abby reunion was exactly as it should’ve been. They’re my favorite relationship on the show and their dynamic is as interesting as ever. This scene displayed a clear distinction between Kane the diplomat, Abby the mother, and Clarke who has come to terms with her political reputation. The fact that Abby and Clarke’s reunion was not tearjerking shows us just how high the stakes have been raised this season. This is full-blown war.
Amna Shabbir:
Clarke’s interaction with Bellamy was probably one of the most heartbreaking and most interesting scenes of the episode for me. Bellamy has had it rough, just like the rest of the delinquents, since the beginning. This episode, however, he really went through a lot. His entire world got turned upside down. Not only is Octavia talking about leaving, but then Gina is slaughtered by Azgeda, and then Clarke, his best friend and one of the most important people in his life who he has spent months worrying over and trying to find, in his views betrays him. On any other day, Bellamy would have understood exactly what Clarke was doing. Their minds are perfectly aligned and they always think alike. They always understand each other’s decisions by default, and I think that is what Clarke was hoping for when she looked at him apologetically at the end. But Bellamy is not in the best emotional space right now. After going through such an emotional ordeal, all he really sees is that Clarke once again refused to come with him and even chose to stay with the woman who has caused them to come to this place. The emotional intensity that the two shared in their confrontation goes to show how integral their relationship is to the show. Bellamy was furious and extremely hurt over her decision to stay. We haven’t seen him give Clarke a cold look like that since early season 1. He feels betrayed and it hurts. But even more interesting to me was Clarke’s reaction. The pain in Clarke’s eyes as she tells him she is sorry is one of a conflicted woman who has been backed into a corner she would give anything to run out of. Her eyes were pleading with him to make him understand why this was necessary. When he doesn’t understand and instead storms off in anger, she is almost brought to tears. This is a woman who would give anything to go home with her people but knows that she can’t be selfish this time. This scene was incredibly powerful, and I feel that it set up a season long arc of Bellamy and Clarke being on opposite sides and butting heads one more time, but this time they have an incredibly rich and powerful history between them that will hopefully keep the two from going too far off the end. I am super excited to see how it plays out.
Nicola Choi:
I really think Bell wears his heart on his sleeve. He took a very soldier role in season two compared to his utter leadership in early season one and he was manipulated by Echo because he trusted her and because of sentiment. He chillingly killed those two grounders for no reason. Bell is one of my favorite characters but with the culmination of Clarke staying in Polis, Mount Weather, and Pike’s people being killed, plus Gina’s death by a grounder I fear for his story this season because I think he will side with Pike. They’ve both lost hugely so far in these three episodes and I think Pike will cause absolute havoc on the peace Kane is trying to establish with Lexa.
What did you think of Raven and Sinclair’s interactions this episode?
McKenzie Morrell:
It’s interesting to see this dynamic play out on the screen. I never would have given these two much screen time in the past but I can see the mentor/student bond and Sinclair seemed to be able to calm Raven down when she appeared to be spiraling in the mountain. I understand where Raven is coming from, that need to fix everything and not be able to fix the one thing that’s wrong with her… her leg. I mean, there’s a lot wrong with her but that’s not her fault, it’s merely the circumstances she’s succumbed to. All in all, I enjoyed these two and I think that there’s a reason they were the only ones who made it out of Mt. Weather alive.
Amna Shabbir:
I am SO glad that someone outside of Abby is focusing on Raven and her obvious struggles with her injury. Abby has too much going on to fully give Raven the focus she deserves right now, and Sinclair is perfect for it. He has known Raven for a very long time and knows exactly the kind of person she is. He also knows exactly what to say to her to motivate her. I really hope that we see more of their friendship and Sinclair being there for Raven as she works through the pain. The Mount Weather explosion and the accompanying survivor guilt is going to be intense for the two I’m sure. I hope Raven didn’t hurt her leg even more because of it.
Erica Schaaf:
Oh man. I didn’t even think of Raven hurting her leg even worse in the explosion! And that possibility on top of the fact that any chance Abby might have had to help her with her leg is now gone is just excruciating. I really, really hope that we see more of Sinclair’s dynamic with Raven. She’s definitely going to continue to need pep talks like the one he gave her in “Ye Who Enter Here” to keep going. And, I also want to add that I’m REALLY glad that we have Sinclair being there for her and supporting her as an almost father figure rather than her main support being from yet another lover…
Nicola Choi:
Raven was quite possibly the MVP of this episode, and I am so glad she pushed through without a love interest needed. Gina’s snark and Sinclair’s assurance helped, but Raven’s inner strength is her greatest quality. Perhaps she’s too stubborn and too proud to allow for Abby to treat her—but in some wonderful acting by Lindsey Morgan, we know there’s another layer: doubt. What if it doesn’t work? What if some things just can’t be fixed? As a mechanic, Raven knows that some things just…can’t. But Sinclair is right. Raven Reyes does not give up. She doesn’t save the Sky people residing in the Mountain. She doesn’t save Gina. But she is alive and kicking—and I don’t think this season’s villains will survive Raven Reyes on a technical genius warpath.
What did you think of Echo setting Bellamy up like she did? Did you expect that?
Nicola Choi:
In this scene we had Bellamy and Pike potentially growing closer in their troubling ideals and Echo, who is trouble from the first instance. She appears from nowhere and claims the summit is a trap. Of course Bellamy will barge into Polis, weapons raised, if he thinks Lexa—the traitor at Mount Weather—will kill Clarke, Abby and Kane. Pike does so with gusto too. And the first seed of Bellamy’s troubling transition into Pike’s philosophy and pride in being a “grounder killer” is planted when he unnecessarily kills those two grounders.
Amna Shabbir:
I was so surprised to see Echo come back. I totally was not expecting to see her again, especially not this soon. I’m usually such a paranoid cynic, but for some reason I totally didn’t see the betrayal coming. I really believed her even though I was surprised she cared enough to warn them. When she disappeared from Polis at first I thought she got captured or something but then I was like ‘oh crap!’ I can’t believe it took me that long to realize. That was pretty clever. I’m super pissed at her though. Bellamy trusted you, Echo. How could you?! He saved your life! Sigh. She did save their lives though by getting them out of Mount Weather so I guess we have to give her some credit. Bellamy is going to be so guilt-ridden for falling for the trap. Poor guy SO doesn’t need this in his life right now. He’s going to be rightfully pissed at her and I’m really looking forward to seeing that face-off. I do hope we get to see more of Echo and learn more about her.
McKenzie Morrell:
I was a little disappointed that Bellamy blindly took Echo’s word for it that the summit was a trap. I understand that they had a bonding moment while being caged and drained of their blood in Mt. Weather but a lot of time has passed and who knows where her loyalties lie. And although I’m not on board with everything Pike stands for, he was right to question her motives. It just wasn’t convincing enough. Sure, I was like, not expecting what transpired to happen but I was like nahhh, something ain’t right with this one here. The decision to trust Echo is going to haunt Bellamy for the rest of his days.
Erica Schaaf:
I was more on Amna’s end of things than McKenzie’s. I knew we were supposed to see Echo again this season but I didn’t know when, where, or why. I definitely didn’t trust her in season two, but after Maya turned out to be ok (I’d been skeptical of her from the moment I saw her), I thought maybe just mayyyybe Echo would be ok. Boy was I wrong! But again, like Amna said, she did end up saving Bellamy, Octavia, and Pike’s lives sooo…I don’t know. I’m still a little puzzled about the ‘why’ part of having those three storm Polis. Wouldn’t blowing up Mount Weather have started a war regardless?
What did you think of everyone in Mt Weather, including Gina, being killed yet again?
Amna Shabbir:
The Mount Weather attack was probably one of the biggest shockers for me. I SO did not expect that even though I know this show well and probably should have, I was so excited that they would get to set up shop there and get to live in a modern setting again. But alas, I should have known better than to expect Jason Rothenberg to cut our characters some slack. It was a brilliant move, though, setting them back like that and setting up an Azgeda conflict.
McKenzie Morrell:
Did anyone see that coming? Because I sure as hell didn’t. In my wildest dreams I would not have pegged the writers to do such a bold move so early in the game. We just had the massacre at Mt. Weather, it’s three episodes in and kaboom, you blow up a place that could be vastly useful to your characters? What is life? I suppose I shouldn’t be shocked, the writing team has balls and I think this move, though maybe a bit out of left field, is what’s needed to wage war on the Ice Nation. They took it upon themselves to disobey Lexa and now war is brewing.
Erica Schaaf:
I didn’t see the self-destruct coming, but between Jasper’s reaction to being in Mount Weather again and the super creepy scene of the Farm Station people set up in the dining room just like the Mount Weather people had been, I knew SOMETHING was gonna happen. I just didn’t know what. Even so, essentially bringing the mountain down and making all those resources null and void…? THAT I most definitely did NOT expect. Although like Amna said, I almost feel like I should have known better. Any time something happens that could make things easier for anyone, all hope for that happening is generally crushed pretty damn quickly some way or another. I mean…remember Anya? Yeah. Mount Weather being used for good was pretty much doomed from the start.
McKenzie Morrell:
In regards to Gina, RIP sweet Gina. I feel slightly bad for her seeing as we didn’t get to see too much of her and she truly seemed to know and love Bellamy. There was undoubtedly a connection between the two, one that I would have liked to have been explored a little more than what we got in the first three episodes. I am not oblivious to the fact, though, that Gina was an anchor that kept Bellamy grounded and with her death will come a spiraling Bellamy, which was necessary for his character to go where he’s going this season. So for that, I thank you Gina. For being a worthy plot device to drive Bellamy to his breaking point and perhaps some bad decisions? We shall see.
Amna Shabbir:
Gina, oh Gina. You truly were too good for us. If they were gonna kill her, I’m glad it was now when I hadn’t had enough exposure to get truly attached to her. Still, it was so tragic! I have to say that when I first saw the episode, I was shocked that they went there. The 100 isn’t known to unnecessarily fridge characters, especially not for manpain. Upon further reflection, though, I realized that that wasn’t necessarily the purpose of her death. Gina’s death played a very specific role and she was allowed to be the star of her own death. She died in her own rite, trying to help Raven and Sinclair fix the Mount Weather systems and by trying to warn Raven to stop the bomb even with her last breaths. Her death wasn’t played off just for Bellamy’s sake. She didn’t die in front of him and the only focus we got on him over her death was a very brief moment in the end when Raven told them about the attack. Gina’s death was hers through and through and it served a very important purpose. It made the attack on MW personal without killing any of the mains. If no one we knew died in the explosion then it could have just been a meaningless explosion in the background with no real impact. But this way we lost someone really sweet and so undeserving of this fate and it drove home the brunt of the attack Azgeda made on the Sky People.
Is her death going to impact Bellamy? Of course it is. She was his girlfriend and he cared about her a lot. But, her death was mostly her own and a key to the plot ahead, and not just some throwaway to singularly give Bellamy pain.
We have had similar deaths to advance the plot before, such as Wells, Charlotte, and Atom. All three of those kids were innocent and killed off to drive home a very important plot point. None of these deaths have been gratuitous or without explicit purpose, Gina included. It is going to be interesting to see how everyone, especially Bellamy, Raven, and Sinclair handle this event and how it’s going to further the storyline as a whole.
Erica Schaaf:
I’m glad I got to see McKenzie and Amna’s responses here before adding my own. I was having a hard time with Gina’s death as a plot device. It seemed so cheap to me. But getting to read what Amna had to say about it, I think I can agree that maybe there was a higher purpose. It hadn’t even occurred to me that it wouldn’t only be Bellamy’s response and spiral that we’d be seeing. It’s probably going to be at least as hard, if not harder, for Raven and Sinclair to deal with. Especially Raven since they were friends. I don’t know.
For Bellamy, I think Gina’s death is only one piece of what is going to cause his spiral. I think he was barely holding it together to begin with. Then he heard about the bounty on Clarke. Then they found Farm Station but rather than causing relief, they heard about their experiences with Ice Nation and that just brought more stress. Seeing Niylah and finding Clarke only to lose her. Being kept from the summit until Echo arrived with her tricks. Bellamy was already on edge. He was already barely holding it together. But then to have his attempt at keeping Gina safe by leaving her behind backfire on him and for him to have that compounded by Clarke’s decision to stay in Polis…I’m afraid for him. I’m afraid and honesty find myself hoping that Monty will be there to help him through this. Of all those still in Arkadia, I think he’s probably the only one who can.
Was Polis anything like what you imagined it to be? What do you think of the capital?
Nicola Choi:
Polis is a boisterous city full of life. Abby and Kane’s reactions are just on-point; they are amazed, from what they’ve seen on the ground, that a city such as Polis can be erected from ruin—from an apocalypse. I loved the scenes with Kane trying new stuff in Polis, integrating with the culture, genuinely curious—Kane is a star in this scene, eager to learn of the grounder beliefs and moving forwards and respecting those beliefs and people.
McKenzie Morrell:
I don’t think I have enough words to express how much I’m enjoying Polis. The architecture (what’s left of it), the people, the politics, I just love everything about it. We’ve waited for this moment for quite some time and now that it’s here I am so grateful! The writers have really built one helluva world. Gaining insight on the 12 clans, seeing Lexa on her throne leading her people, and the dynamics amongst different grounder groups is really intriguing and I can’t wait to see more unfold as the season goes on.
Amna Shabbir:
Polis wasn’t like I imagined. I hope we get to see more because so far it seems pretty regular and not something as amazing as advertised. There isn’t much standing out about it other than that building for me visually speaking. However, I’m absolutely LOVING the political aspect of it. Everything from Lexa training her Nightbloods to the alliance of the clans. I really wanted to get to see more of Lexa in her natural habitat, so to speak. It has been quite an eye opener and the world building is my bread and butter. I do hope though that in an effort to show us more of Polis, the show doesn’t forget about the rest of its main characters and Arkadia.
Erica Schaaf:
Kane in the marketplace was spectacular. I loved it! I love traveling, getting to know new places and cultures and every time I go somewhere new I’m exactly like he was in that scene: giddy and delighted with every single thing I see. That said, I’m with Amna in that Polis wasn’t what I’d imagined, but I love Nicola’s description of it being boisterous and full of life. I do hope we get to spend more time there. I think what I’d love to see more than anything is more of the grounder capital through Clarke’s eyes and through the eyes of all the Arkers. I know that’s probably not going to happen what with the war that’s brewing and all, but if there’s ever a day that the wars all end and everyone on the ground is at peace (HA!), then I would really really like to see our sky people getting to explore and experience new things without the fear of death. Unbridled joy of discovery while feeling safe and free is, I think, the ultimate ideal ending that I’d eventually like to see for our mains.
What were your thoughts on Emerson’s return and purpose?
McKenzie Morrell:
Emerson comes back with a bang! Quite literally. Carl Emerson, the last Mountain Man has graced us with his presence and he’s chillin’ with the Ice Queen, no biggie. It seems this guy has an ax to grind and he’s out for Clarke’s head. Lexa’s too, I’m assuming. He’s the one who gave Billy Butcherson look-a-like the codes to the self-destruct sequence in Mt. Weather. Should have killed him when you had the chance! I would say I’m surprised that he leveled the place he called home for his entire life, but nothing surprises me when it comes to Carl Emerson, Security Detail!
Nicola Choi:
Is Emerson finished? With Mount Weather and thus the missiles destroyed, is his purpose done? Will The Ice Nation hold him as a bargaining chip? Tobey Levins played him with such smackable smarminess that I’d love to see more of him.
Amna Shabbir:
I don’t have too much to say on Emerson because I’m gonna wait to see more of him. I’m a little surprised that Nia would welcome someone who was one of the ones directly responsible for continuously torturing her people. It tells us SO MUCH about her as a person in such a short scene. She is incredibly smart and a brilliant strategist. She is able to see the big picture and put personal things aside to focus on how she can benefit from something. She is a lot like Clarke in some ways. I would love to see these two face-off!
Erica Schaaf:
Like with Echo, I knew that Emerson would be back but I didn’t know HOW or WHY. As soon as I saw the guy in Wallace’s office so easily getting beneath that panel and punching in those numbers, I gasped and just KNEW Emerson was behind it. Actually, I kind of thought the Ice Nation assassin WAS Emerson. Was I surprised to see him aligning himself with the Ice Nation like he was? Not really. I just wonder how he came across them, what those three months were like for him and how he ended up where he did. I find myself wanting to contrast him with Clarke but it just doesn’t work. Of course, if it weren’t for the extended trailer, I’d think that we were probably done with Emerson, but considering we see him facing off with Clarke at some point later, I’m really kind of afraid to see where things are going to go from here.
How did you feel about Lexa bowing to Clarke in private like Clarke did in public before the clans?
McKenzie Morrell:
Clarke bows to Lexa out of obligation to show the other 12 clans that Wanheda backs the Commander and that the coalition is not in danger. This was significant because Clarke is temporarily relinquishing her control and going back on her word that she would never bow down to her. But I’m not sure that Wanheda kneeling in front of Heda was as significant as Lexa bowing down to Clarke. That scene had me squealing like a pig. Not only was this a beautiful moment between these two leaders, but it proved that Lexa isn’t screwing around this time. She is not only wearing her heart on her sleeves, but she is offering her services (we hope) to Clarke and makes it known that her loyalties lie with her and the Sky People. Her people, now. It was super ceremonial and there was almost a bit of an understanding between the two that hey, I still don’t forgive you but I see where you’re coming from and maybe we can work together. Just maybe. I mean, she bowed down to her. Do I need to say it again? She BOWED DOWN TO HER. The Commander of Blood kneeling before a Sky person… This has to mean something, or what is even real anymore? ha.
Amna Shabbir:
I know everyone is so thrilled about the Lexa bowing in private thing and it really was an amazing thing and a big gesture from her. But still, there’s something about it that rubs me the wrong way. She made Clarke bow in front of her to swear fealty to her in front of everyone. The induction to the clans and Clarke bowing in front of Lexa pretty much sealed the deal that they accept Lexa as higher in power than their own leaders. Yet, when she bowed to Clarke it was in private. Yes, it was a very intimate moment for them and a huge step for Lexa but still. Something about the fact that Clarke bowed in front of everyone and Lexa bowed in private where no one could see or know is just so off in power dynamics for me. I guess I’m just a cynic and Lexa is going to have to do a lot more to earn my forgiveness and trust again.
Nicola Choi:
The bow scene was by far the most emotional scene for me. In contrast to Clarke bowing before Lexa, which was really a formal thing and for the ceremony, it was the Wanheda bowing before Heda—a sign of power, for Lexa, that the Wanheda will side with her—not kill her. Now there’s two extremely spiritually important people on the same side: and perhaps that’s why Echo reports back that Clarke is by Lexa’s side, as expected. Perhaps Nia wants to kill them both—and assimilate both their powers—and surely nobody can contest with her power then. Then it came to Lexa’s bow scene, which completely ripped my heart out its ribcage. Lexa waited until they were alone. The way she says “I’m glad you stayed” was so tired, so resigned, so sick of this civil war—erupting amongst a coalition she spent her entire commandership forging. Clarke staying was a huge gesture for her, but so was Lexa’s gesture too. Bowing before Clarke, on both knees, almost as a plea—was utterly genuine—you could see it in her eyes. She never once broke contact with Clarke’s, whereas in the Wanheda bowing to Heda scene, Clarke dips her head—maybe out of respect. But here, Lexa keeps eye contact because this is personal. This is a fealty. Lexa is pledging allegiance, utter loyalty and consequences should she break this oath of sorts. She is sincere—and she emphasizes, most importantly, that Clarke’s people are her own people—and we know the lengths she’ll go to protect her own.
Erica Schaaf:
See, this last part of what Nicola has said is what concerns me. For Lexa. Yes, we know what lengths she’ll go to for her own. But we also know the lengths that Clarke will go to for HER own. And now that Lexa has accepted the sky people as the 13th clan, she is obligated – as she told Clarke – to treat the sky people’s needs as her own just like she would the needs of any of the other clans. Here’s the catch, though. Clarke made no such promise. Clarke has no loyalty to anyone other than her own people. The sky people. So with Lexa pledged to help Clarke and Clarke’s people no matter what, that leaves Lexa in an incredibly vulnerable position. Clarke could choose to walk away from Lexa and the coalition if there is ever a point where she no longer feels it’s what’s best for the sky people. Clarke is now in a position where she could abandon Lexa, but the opposite is no longer true. To me, that does not bode well for Lexa and I have a really bad feeling that the moment she bowed before Clarke was the moment she signed her own death certificate.
More Questions Than Answers…What Might We Discuss Next Time?
As always, this episode has left us with so many questions.
Why was Roan banished? Will Nia come and rescue him or will she use him as a pawn like she’s used so many other people?
Is the chancellor position in jeopardy? Abby acknowledged from the first episode she was stretched too thin. She was all set to give Kane the position but it was decided an election should happen instead. Will an election prove to be the forward-thinking idea that Kane and Abby thought or could it provoke a civil war within the sky people like the one brewing among the grounders?
There was no mention of ALIE/COL this episode but it’s still a point to ponder. Will Raven succumb to ALIE’s promise of no pain should ALIE reach her? Or will she save the day again, tamper with the chips and destroy that lady in red?
Will Aden be featured again? Lexa saw promise in him…with this civil war igniting, and Lexa always looking ahead, is she looking for a suitable successor?
We know Emori has more buyers for tech—could Nia be the another one?
Has Lexa lost the coalition already? In the last scene, if you look closely, all clan leaders are present when Nia is introduced, which means they are all set to betray Lexa. How did Nia achieve this? Can Lexa possibly fight her way out of this?
Tune in next week when we check in again and see if we have answers or simply more questions!
About Clarke not promising to Lexa, if Lexa is truly smart as she shows, shouldn’t t she already know that bowing to Clarke means giving her power to Clarke?and that she realizes that if there s a moment where Clarke had to choose between her people and Lexa, She would obviously choose her people, like she did once when sacrifices Finn to avoid the war. And still, Lexa still pledge fealty to her. At that moment she didn’t act as the commander but as a human being with feelings.
And in the future if Clarke have to betray Lexa to save her people, it would be like ‘payback bitch’. But like that s too cliché, and the 100 by all means is nothing cliché. I hope it won t happen though.
Oh, I totally agree that Lexa knows that Clarke would choose her people over her if it ever came down to it. Lexa has willingly put herself in a position of vulnerability to Clarke. And you’re right, she absolutely acted as a human being with feelings rather than as Commander in that moment. Which is why I feel like it put her in so much danger. It’s a danger she’s aware of, but that makes it no less real.
As for Clarke betraying Lexa in the future to save her people, I really DON’T think it would be a simple “Ha! Payback, bitch!” moment. If that’s all it was going to be, Clarke wouldn’t do it. She would ONLY do it if it was a choice between Lexa’s safety and the safety of the sky people. So it would probably be more like her “I’m sorry” to Bellamy about staying in Polis. “I’m sorry. I’m doing what I have to do even though I know it’s not what’s best for you.”
Oh no, yes totally agree with you that Clarke wouldn’t t betray Lexa as a payback; what I actually meant was more that if the writers should write that Clarke will betray Lexa, it would be like just to make them even. But if there s a chance Clarke would have to chose, do you think she really would betray Lexa? I m like 75% sure she would chose her people and the rest is me believing that Clarke would fine a solution to not have to chose. But maybe that s just me being naive with The 100? Just can t wait to see how their journey develop.
Interesting roundtable! I agree for most parts but not on this :
Lexa bowing to Clarke was not something who demonstrates the vulnerability of Lexa’s commitment. And saying that Clarke did not make such promise to Lexa does not make her in a more confortable position. Lexa’s decision to let the skaikru join the coalition showed again her will to build peace. Her duty as the Commander will always be to protect her people, so now technically she made sure she can’t and that she won’t have to betray Clarke ever again (the skaikru obviously).. Clarke is the skaikru ambassador, now becoming a close advicer to Lexa, but she is not the Commander of the Coalition : Lexa is, and will always be the one who calls the shots. So what you’re implying with Clarke making no promises is NOT a problem at all !! Lexa does not need Clarke’s protection, she does not need such promises because Clarke is not in a position of abandonning Lexa, nor the coalition. And for Clarke, being a part of Lexa’s coalition will ALWAYS be the best for her people because it’s just logical. Leaving the coalition would mean the death for Arkadia’s groupe. And mostly because she is Clarke, a person who has already embraced the Grounders culture in many ways alongside her own. And when Clarke will get deeper into the Grounders civilization, it will always be the same !! Clarke is someone who will be able to see the humanity as a whole, not Grounders against sky people ! Just like Lexa is a visionnary who is doing what she can towards a lasting peace on the ground. Clarke home is meant to be everywhere, among everyone, just among human beings.
Always and never are extremes that are rarely, if ever, accurate. There has been a lot of foreshadowing that, whether Lexa lives or dies, there will be a new Commander at some point. We’ll see how Commanders are chosen, what exactly the conclave is, etc. So if at some point Lexa is no longer the Commander, it won’t be Lexa’s coalition anymore, which would mean that they sky people would likely not be welcome in the coalition anymore IF the coalition still exists. There are a lot of possibilities this season and the writers rarely go for the option that would lead toward a lasting peace.
I never said that the coalition will hold forever nor Lexa’s position, I’m just saying that they are aiming for a lasting peace. Regardless if there is still a coalition after that or not, the theme of the season is what’s mean to be human, and my thoughts is that there should not be any sides : no sky people from one and the Grounders on another one. This season is meant to be about inner conflicts, not external ones.
And I don’t see how this beautiful moment when Lexa was showing her that kind of vulnerability will be her downfall. On the contrary the whole point is that it should be a strength, a human strength.
Maybe it should be, but while having them all on common ground is the goal and where we may end up by the end of the season, where we’re at right now is on the verge of one, possibly two, civil wars.
Yeah obviously : aim for peace, prepare for war
Hey Kahlan, you make a really good point. It doesn’t increase Lexa’s vulnerability at all–she is pledging fealty to Clarke kom Skaikru because that is her duty as the commander to hold the coalition together. I have no doubt she pledged similarly to the other clans–to look out for their needs as her own, to treat the other clans’ people as their own. I think that is simply just a part of her duty as a peace-seeking commander and as you say, a visionary. You say Lexa will always call the shots and as commander of thirteen clans now (before she’s inevitably betrayed by her rebels) she is in absolute power–she rules with an iron fist, but not with unkindness. For all of Clarke’s tenacity, Lexa has proven that she is multi-faceted as a commander–she can be down to business as per the opening scene, she can be gentle and understanding when Clarke pulls the knife on her and she can be earnest when she bows down to Clarke. For me, the bowing scene was more of a spiritual/traditional thing she did–to plead fealty–and one could link it loosely back to them medieval times of pledging fealty in which you pledged utmost loyalty, which is what Lexa is doing by having Skaikru as the 13th coalitiion, NOT as merely allies.
I think your points will likely unravel as the season goes along. It seems likely Pike (and perhaps Bellamy, after this episode) will cause chaos within Arkadia and cause a civil war within a civil war. There’s the lurking threat of ALIE. But amidst all of that, Clarke and Lexa have the same endgoal: peace for all their people. Lexa’s a visionary in engineering a coalition after years and years of bloodshed and inter-clan wars–but now as it’s all about to break, they have that to handle plus an AI on the brink of destroying everything. They have to share the same agenda, whether they like it or not–and whether their feelings will resurface as the season progresses has yet to be seen. But ultimately, Clarke and Lexa are not too much dissimilar: they’ll do anything for their people as witnessed in season two, but now, they ARE each other’s people–so logically, wouldn’t they do anything for each other too? It’s yet to be seen, and it’s exciting that it’s spurned such discussion after just three solid episodes! Jason has already noted that humanity is a key theme this season, clearly linked to the AI storyline; perhaps Clarke’s is re-finding her humanity after months spent in feral solitude. Perhaps Lexa’s is realising that humanity is what she’ll always fight for.
A really insightful comment, Kahlan, thank you. 🙂
~she is pledging fealty to Clarke kom Skaikru because that is her duty as the commander to hold the coalition together. I have no doubt she pledged similarly to the other clans–to look out for their needs as her own, to treat the other clans’ people as their own.~
Wait a minute, I’m not sure if I understand what you are saying… You think Lexa pledged fealty to other clans??? No way… That was a deeply personal and unconventional thing she is doing for Clarke because she loves Clarke. Again, the Commander bows before no one! It is her duty to protect all the clans, she doesn’t need to swear a fealty to them, she already accepted that role when she took command. When the sky people decided to join the coalition they automatically accepted the Commander’s protection. The Commander didn’t kneel to Clarke, it was Lexa who did (I feel like so many people don’t understand there’s a difference between Lexa the person and the Commander). Lexa was personally swearing a fealty to Clarke, which in a way puts her in an incredible vulnerable position if you think love is weakness but I actually agree with Kahlan: Clarke and Lexa’s personal bond will make them stronger leaders.
Yeah, it was definitely a personal pledge from Lexa to Clarke : she swears fealty to Clarke above all else : it’s a personal promise to Clarke but that goes beyond just the two them (since Lexa implied Clarke’s people, the skaikru). But it does not put her in a vulnerability position mostly because Lexa knows that Clarke wishes and desires match her own : they both aim for peace for BOTH the skaikru and the Grounders. Even if Lexa vows to Clarke comes from her feelings towards Clarke, this perfectly lines up with the Commander’s duty. So for me, it maked the bond stronger than ever. Coming from both heart AND head ! If they have to choose between heart or head, they just have to create the third solution : with Lexa and Clarke as true co-leaders.
I don’t disagree with you both, and perhaps I could’ve worded that segment differently, Isabela. What I’m trying to differentiate is between a traditional, conventional fealty (e.g. as per medieval periods where it happened all the time) where people pledged utmost allegiance and loyalty to another, and vowed to do that, and THAT’S what I was trying to emphasise when I say that Lexa could’ve done similarly to other clans. We know that Lexa must’ve shed a lot of blood in the pre-coalition wars, as per Jason’s tweet–but I don’t think she went round with the intention of ransacking all clans and claiming the commander’s seat, as per usual like the middle ages–perhaps some negotiations were made, including fealty being sworn “I will look after your people as my own” is something I think Lexa would say to a clan leader, out of genuine, earnest truth, because thats the entire point of the coalition. A note to make would be that the Skaikru didn’t technically, FORMALLY join the coalition in S2 — they were allies, but never went through the ceremony — it is through the ceremony (and the highly spiritual grounders) that they finally join the coalition, *formally*.
I don’t disagree that this was intensely personal. This is why I’m trying to differentiate between traditional fealty as was sworn perhaps between clans and Lexa (perhaps! Nothing’s been confirmed as to how she glued the coalition together) and the bowing scene. The bowing scene was HUGELY personal and romantic, but it was 100% one or the other. Yes, there are politics involved in getting the Skaikru into the coalition–but there’s also love brewing within Lexa, and perhaps understanding finally clearing in Clarke’s mind when she sees the commander kneel down before her. @Kahlan not sure what to say because I think I might’ve written it already either in the discussion or in the prev comment but basically: yes. Intensely romantic, hugely powerful and moving scene, and yes–alone, Lexa and Clarke are formidable. Together, they are even stronger. They will surely have the same agendas this season: same side on the civil war, same side surely if the ALIE storyline collides with the grounders’, so looking forward to that. Thanks both for your contribution!
Thank you for reading it ! Yeah exactly it works both ways, Lexa pledging fealty to Clarke is a reminder of Lexa’s duty as a Commander to protect her people and that includes the skaikru though Clarke.
Lexa is a really compelling character indeed, both strong, determined as the Commander, and being so kind, gentle when it’s come to Clarke. Lexa feels everything !
The coalition is indeed shaky, and Pike/Bellamy are definitely up to no good….On one hand, Lexa and Clarke have to hold a coalition that is already about to unravel, on the other hand, there is Pike who sees ALLs Grounders as the enemies (because of his experience with the Ice Nation) : threats from the inside are more complicated to adress, probably. It’s very interesting because it’s truly about perspective : for now, Pike has a reductive understanding of the threat, and this will lead to civil war : the consequencies of the fear of external threat …
And with a civil war among the Grounders…….ALIE will certainly fit well into all this mess….
– “Not all Grounders are the same” : amalgamate ?
– “this land is our land” :….this is not a 10 square kilometers land….
– “Don’t tell me that going to war is what you want”: hey we’ve been in war in past, let’s keep doing that !
– “I’ve always done what’s best for us, I need you to trust that I’m doing that now”: why being so absolute?
– Ice Queen seeking for power
= That can’t be good…!
Lot of work to do for Clarke/Lexa : “Perhaps Lexa’s is realising that humanity is what she’ll always fight for. ” YES !
Love the debates that this shows brings !!! Thank YOU !!
Indeed, so multi-layered and complicated. It is hard to remind yourself that fundementally, biologically, Lexa is one human with one heart and one brain; Commander Lexa is ingrained within her but so is Lexa. I’m not sure they’re two separate people, but perhaps just like how tall her tower is at Polis, that’s how multi-faceted she is–you really have to shed those layers, IMO! Really compelling to watch and the chemistry between the duo is so good to watch!
Yup re: Pike. Trouble is aboard. A possible civil war within Arkadia and a civil war within the grounder system? Yikes! Plus ALIEs out there too…so trouble from all angles. Pike has been well-acted but the character’s inclusivity and unwillingness to accept other cultures is so troubling.
And as for the last bit: Jason said this year’s theme would be humanity, and how better to tell humanity than via an AI? Lexa could be a key player in this because she’s TRIED to create a utopia of sorts…by the coalition. And she fails. It’s human nature to do so; it doesn’t make her any lesser of a person. But humanity can be brutal, ugly, envious, hateful…it can also be full of love, generosity, kindness, humility. So I think that could be a real big question…would someone be tempted by utopia? No pain? No hate? No wars? Or will they realise that humanity, despite all the pain and suffering they’ve been through, is worth it because at heart they are, simply, humans? That utopia isn’t possible if you want to retain humanity?
Questions, questions… 😛 Thanks, Kahlan!
Yes, indeed : This season theme will be developed through chracters’s journeys individually and in relationship ( the humanity within), and will resonate to the world they try to create.
I think pain/hate/envy is just one side of a coin, where the other side is full of love/pleasure/kindness. The question is will people decide to throw that coin, only by fear of one of its side?
The 100 brings so much great questions, some answers too but raise interesting personal reflections !
Thanks Nicola Choi!
Yes, indeed : This season theme will be developed through chracters’s journeys individually and in relationship ( the humanity within), and will resonate to the world they try to create.
I think pain/hate/envy is just one side of a coin, where the other side is full of love/pleasure/kindness. The question is will people decide to throw that coin, only by fear of one of its side?
The 100 brings so much great questions, some answers too but raise interesting personal reflections !
Thanks Nicola Choi!
(For some reason I can’t seem to reply to your comment!)
I just 100% agree with you. Lemme give you a virtual hug. Thank YOU so much for discussing so fairly and without bias, impartially and thoughtfully. I really enjoyed it. Thank you Kahlan! All the best!
I virtually hug you back too!! Same here I really enjoyed this discussion! Looking forward to your next reviews ! All the best!
I too have a funky feeling about the “safety”, or lack-thereof, of Lexa this season. Even my younger brother, who does not interact with, or get manipulated by, social fandoms and the superimposing biases that tend to litter them, mentioned in passing that he views Lexa’s current situation as bleak.
Before any stans feel like replying, I want to point out that this comment has absolutely nothing to do with Clarke, and everything to do with my brother and I’s personal take on Lexa’s current status as a survivable character.
Thanks for the great article; it was a good read, and I loved hearing everyone’s pov!
I enjoyed some of it, like the parts about Polis and the whole Mt. Weather aspects. I agreed with a fair bit or at least could see the view points. Now some this stuff I deeply disagreed with and felt totally confused. Like honestly feeling like watching a different show and that some people didn’t actually watch the episodes with clear mind and instead inserted their own headcanons.
E.g. “This is a woman who would give anything to go home with her people but knows that she can’t be selfish this time.”
Like huh? Clarke was off on her own, perfectly capable of going home if she wanted for those 3 months. Clarke werent in Arkadia for months because some other people prevented her. It was by her own choice. Also some of the Clarke analysis is so off base and seems to intent on taking away her agency and badassness. I am sorry I just dislike when that happens. I think even if there was no need for an ambassador, Clarke wouldn’t had gone back to Arkadia. She is still in a state of mental and emotional turmoil. She wasn’t really dealing with things so being in a position that pushes her out of her current “inactivenvess” might actually result her in facing things. On the other hand it can also just lead to her bury things more and make things worse.
Now despite my strong disagreement with some of the Clarke stuff, it was very interesting. So thank you guys 🙂
Oh, I totally agree that Clarke wouldn’t have gone back to Arkadia regardless of whether or not she was needed as an ambassador. Needing to stay as an ambassador gave her an excuse not to go back. But I still think she was torn when Bellamy was telling her she should go back with him. I don’t know if this or something else will push her out of her “inactivity” to face things or if she’ll face some things and bury others or bury everything…but I definitely can’t wait to find out.
“Something about the fact that Clarke bowed in front of everyone and Lexa bowed in private where no one could see or know is just so off in power dynamics for me. ”
Clarke (or rather the Wanheda) bowing to the Commander of the 12 Clans was just for show. Both of them knew that. It was a political move. As Lexa said, you cannot run from who you are. Lexa IS the Commander, she has to act like like the Commander or she will be killed. Obviously she would never be able to bow to Clarke in a public way. She simply can’t do that. The Commander bows before no one! That’s why Lexa bowing in private is a lot more meaningful. It is not for show is any way. It’s simply from Lexa to Clarke. It’s not even about Lexa asking for forgiveness or Lexa expecting anything from Clarke. It’s about Lexa giving all of herself to Clarke, something that she didn’t need to do at all. And yes, she is putting herself in the most vulnerable of positions. Everything about this episode was about Lexa risking all she has so she can protect Clarke, so she doesn’t have to choose between her people and Clarke again. Will this make Lexa weaker? That’s what everybody is thinking, including Titus. But that would perpetuate the idea that “love is weakness” and I think one of the points of the season (especially the dynamic between Clarke and Lexa) is to show that this is actually incorrect. Love is strength.
Another thing is that the sky people are slowly being incorporated into the grounders. Pike and Bellamy are clearly in the wrong side of things because they are still operating under an us vs. them mentality. Pike can’t see past his prejudice and Bellamy is letting his hatred dominate his actions. Both Lexa and Clarke, though, can see the bigger picture and are very aware of what’s going on. So, the whole “I have to do what’s best for my people” will become obsolete and Clarke will do what’s best for the greater good and so will Lexa. That’s why I don’t see a betrayal coming up from either side, unless you want to ruin their characters.
Niiiiiice 🙂 I think Eliza said in an interview with IGN most recently that there are similarities between Clarke and Lexa (i.e. she would’ve taken the deal at MW) and you’re right–they surely have the same agenda this season. Neither Clarke nor Lexa would want Nia as ruler of the coalition. Neither Clarke nor Lexa would want the Arkadias run by Pike (likely to go MEGA “grounder killer” after that ep); neither Clarke nor Lexa would want ALIE (if their storylines converge) to rob the population of their humanity, and generate a utopia where emotions such as hatred, war, envy can’t exist…but then neither can love, kindness, generosity. So I think unless something seriously seriously bad happens (I’m eyeing up Abby, who is perhaps maybe one of the only people Clarke would blindly do anything for–despite everything they’ve been through) these two will be a forced to be reckoned with. I loved their ethical clashes and debates in season two; no doubt they will still clash on some points but ultimately I think you’re spot-on…Clarke’s actions at MW saved her people and killed 300+. But they were *her people* i.e. really similar to Lexa’s decision. As, or if, she grows to understand Lexa’s decision and also the true burden of her leadership (the commander shoulders it alone; Clarke’s always had Kane, Abby, etc to support her, until now)–then perhaps Lexa’s utilitarian ways of survival will sink in….
And indeed as you say previously: “Love is strength.” — I’d 100% agree! If humanity is a theme this season, and ALIE seeks inhabitants for her utopia then she eradicates humanity into compliant … beings … in her City of Light. If love is weakness than surely it’s undesirable in the COL and thus nobody’d have a problem jumping into the COL amongst other things; but love isn’t weakness. Love is strength; it glues us together; our hearts beat so vividly for love. So in saying that, Isabela, I think you actually make a good point re: humanity. After all, without such traits, what are we except simple animals? And if the COL is conquered at all this season, then perhaps as per Aaron Ginsburg’s words: “Love is the greatest weapon”. 🙂
For sure these two will clash and that’s why their dynamic is so interesting and the driving force of the narrative right now but they will end up making a compromise because they understand and respect each other (head and heart working together). Lexa understands Clarke link to Abby, so I don’t think that would be a problem. In TonDC when Clarke goes back to save Abby Lexa doesn’t do anything even though she thinks it is too risky. I think Clarke and Lexa’s bond will be KEY in saving the world against ALIE because, yes, love is the best weapon.
Yeah exactly. Like in any situation, nobody will ever agree 100% on anything despite the pair likely having the same agenda–and like you say thats why its so interesting. That’s why I loved S2–Clarke had such a different ethical stance to Lexa, but learnt that it wasn’t because Lexa was heartless; it was because political leaders cannot afford personal morals to overwhelm the benefit of her people, hence her diehard altruism. True true about Abby, all I meant was that I do think Clarke–who is so level-headed and pragmatic too–could potentially do something brash for Abby (not necessarily a betrayal of course!). But yeah, totally agree. I think Aaron Ginsburg agrees too: love is the greatest weapon of S3 🙂
“To me, that does not bode well for Lexa and I have a really bad feeling that the moment she bowed before Clarke was the moment she signed her own death certificate.”
That would be the dumbest and most predictable death ever! Everyone and their mothers think Lexa will die… Despite how much YOU want Lexa to die, that’s not road the show is taking. The show is smarter than this.
Hey, I know I’m late to this party, but I could not resist heaping praise on such a substantive discussion. Thank you — wonderful to read everyone’s thoughtful and well written comments. Wish there was more of this amongst the fandom.
Now you ve bring it up, I think there s a lot to discuss About now, especially after 307. Can t wait for the talknerdywithus’ writers to share their thoughts so we can be the discussion 🙂