No Scene on Person of Interest is ‘Irrelevant’


This will probably spark debate, because of the length and number of seasons, and the numerous, amazing moments throughout. Be they humorous, thought-provoking, romantic or sheer badass: Person of Interest is surely a show that has it all. I thought it’d be nice to have a little collection of small, under-appreciated moments of the show (so this discounts the big-ass fight scenes, dramatic death scenes, and huge storylines—hey, that could be another article…) that consistently amuse or touch me whenever I watch them.

I find it so rare that a show can contain seemingly pointless scenes (and then you think a few episodes later “Oh, that’s why she gassed an entire restaurant for that suitcase! She did finish her pancakes first, though, so excellent manners, Root. Wait—pancakes? Pancakes like Shaw’s pancakes? I—what do you mean I’m crying, I’m not crying—what? I have severe allergies to watching people eat their pancakes in honor of their loved ones—”) when really, they’re little clue-dumps for further plots or genuinely moving, emotional, funny scenes that advance certain stories or relationships; scenes that matter. Just like every Person of Interest fan is relevant—I find no scene on this show totally irrelevant. No flashback is wasted. Every single scene contributes to the growth of a relationship, a story arc, or a character’s traits. Person of Interest is excellent and may I say unrivaled in that regard. It sure has some funny ten-second throwaway scenes and one-liners, but for a show that revolves around saving irrelevant numbers, there are definitely no irrelevant scenes for me.

This article will contain spoilers, for those who haven’t seen the show—and if you still haven’t…here’s my crash course on Person of Interest—and get on Netflix to watch all four seasons! Binge and enjoy and I promise I will eat my hat if you don’t! As for this article, here are my favorite five moments in no particular order.



This moment was exquisite in so many ways and genuinely made me tear up. Fusco and Shaw’s dynamic is amazing (as is every dynamic on this show…ah balderdash, I’m going to have to write an article about all of them and cry about them now, aren’t I…?) and Shaw relentlessly teases Fusco this episode about his inexperience of the world beyond New York City. In an episode that was all about murky, corrupt international politics, racial profiling, Omar’s unjust refusal of asylum approval and ease this notion passed through because of his race—this scene was beautiful. Fusco appreciates Shaw for who she is: not just a pinpoint shot and badass combatant, but for her heritage too. He acknowledges he hasn’t seen much of the world beyond New York City, but he is welcoming and open when he says: “That’s what’s great about New York. You don’t have to travel to learn about other cultures. They all come here.”


Fusco wishes Shaw a Happy Persian New Year. Shaw’s touched; the place they’re sitting in is a restaurant where her mother and father first met. Subtly dealing with these emotions, Shaw tells Fusco to “get outta here”…but Fusco understands, smiling, and complies.

Even if Fusco can’t afford to go abroad nor has a job that enables him to, he will always accept anyone of any heritage. When he wishes her Happy Persian New Year, it’s genuine and utterly unexpected and absolutely heart-rending. The entire scene with Shaw musing about her mom and dad’s first date, Shahi’s voice nearly cracking when she says “Get outta here, Fusco” accompanied by his knowing smile is immensely touching and beautifully, tenderly played by both Kevin Chapman and Sarah Shahi.



Honestly, Root, I don’t think the audience nor the Machine gang need to know you love the living heck out of Sameen Shaw—but this little line from Harold confirmed that the gang knew all along, and acted utterly normally around them. There are no lesbian gags or jokes from the gang or over-sexualizing or fetishizing of a same-sex relationship from these fellas. Root, in the face of a certain death, needs Shaw to know that she loves her. I’m entirely convinced that’s what the message is (I mean, it could be something like: “would you like to bench press me if our weights in the subway don’t go high enough?” or “Pad Thai or Singapore Vermicelli?”) and Harold’s insistent, quick, knowing five words reveal to her and the audience that Reese (“Sameen? Not my girlfriend.”), Finch and Fusco know—and they have never, ever judged the pair for it.


“The life I’ve led…a good end would be a privilege.” Root has accepted her fate she’ll die a martyr for The Machine—she was fanatical about it once—but now she needs Shaw to know how she feels. The array of emotion on Amy Acker’s face as she says this is one of many reasons why I adore her inimitable acting ability—from plain old psychotic to subtle, tender, heart-aching moments like this.

It’s hugely emotionally relevant: Root’s convinced she will die out there in the hotel lobby fighting Martine; she’ll die a martyr—and she needs Shaw to know  because she won’t be able to tell her. That she loves her, I mean. Or, if your headcanon prefers a crackier version



I think John Reese may be the king of no-nonsense. I sort of learnt and happily accepted this in the Pilot episode in which he acquires weaponry by shooting up a gun shop, and then—in the middle of a New York City road—he simply steps out with a balaclava on and launches a rocket at a car in which his person of interest is being held. When he barges into a man in ‘Allegiance’ from a building, using the man below as a shield as they land atop a car, Reese clambers off him and glances up at a concerned Shaw and Fusco as if to say “Sup, bro?”.


John Reese, do not just shrug nonchalantly at your concerned friends as if to say “how’s ya doin’?” when you’ve just tackled an assailant out of a window, landed on a car and crawled out alive. I think Fusco and Shaw agree.

When he and Shaw storm a building, Reese simply knocks a questioning guard unconscious with a good old wallop in the face with a stool. John Reese is resourceful, skilled and clever—but it’s these moments I can’t help laughing at. After all, who would flash would a dashing smile at someone—before decking them in the face, knocking them out cold? John Reese. That’s who.



“I may have done something rash,” Finch confesses (understatement of the year, Harold Finch, oh my God). Joss Carter quite aptly sums this up when Finch kidnaps a baby(!) in danger in ‘Baby Blue’ and looks after her in the library, with Finch assuring her she’s safe with Reese—and Carter, in utter horror and disbelief, hisses at him: ” John? John?! You trust him with a baby?” It’s a line riotously delivered by Taraji P. Henson, but perhaps the funniest scene was when the little baby went walkabout in the library because Finch thought an excellent makeshift cot for a baby would be a circular barricade of books. Reese and Finch desperately try to find her…only to find her holding a grenade. “It’s just a tear gas grenade,” Reese says coolly, clearly gunning for Father Figure of the Year, which earns him a harsh reprimand from Finch: “It’s still a grenade!”


Please do not ever, ever let John Reese and Harold Finch supervise your baby. PLEASE.

Reese eventually coerces it from the baby’s hands, but this entire episode was full of comedy gold—and further cements the proof that Reese and Finch absolutely cannot raise a kid together. In fact, it just reinforces the fact that whilst Reese is a badass and Finch is super-intelligent, they are also hysterically hopeless. The first lesson to be learned is that if you should be an odd-looking man kidnapping a baby, you’re already in too deep and you should re-evaluate your life. Turn around and hand the baby back. The second lesson is that if you do go ahead with said kidnapping, do not store your infant hostage in a library full of heavy books and your trigger-happy, former CIA officer’s entire arsenal of weapons. If there is a God up there: please do not let this happen. Please. Or only let it happen on Person of Interest.



When Finch enters the subway to find a handcuffed Shaw on a bench and Root in a bear outfit, it is a logical conclusion for Finch to make—assuming Finch and Reese know about Root and Shaw—that this is some ghastly, ‘I need to bleach my eyes out’ kind of kink—which I really wouldn’t put past the pair. (I think this calls for the infamous Tumblr meme “Harold, they’re lesbians!”) It turns out Root was under another alias, this time as a children’s party entertainer: Mr. Bareinstein—but the look of tortured exasperation on Shaw’s face in this scene indicates that she was subject to possibly many hours of Root taking huge delight in ‘performing’ for her. In the outfit. Finch’s expression is priceless because God knows Root what subjects Shaw to whilst she’s being held in the subway for her own safety. The possibilities are endless. But the MVP of this scene was Amy Acker, who delivers the line “Mr. Barenstein was a big hit!” with a hysterically deep voice as if Root was getting into character. Poor Shaw.


Mr. Barenstein was a big hit! …But not for Shaw, clearly. (The look on Finch’s face!)

I legitimately crack up every time I watch this scene. It’s like a comedy that never gets old. The mix of Root’s self-satisfaction, Shaw’s increasingly exasperated eye rolls, and Finch’s look of sheer horror as if he’d just read ‘The Shining’ is a glorious thing to behold. Kudos to Amy Acker, Sarah Shahi and Michael Emerson for turning that scene into a legitimately hilarious treasure.


HONORABLE MENTIONS (I know I’m cheating here but hey…):

  • Finch’s groans of despair every time the Degas painting was destroyed in the If-Then-Else simulations.
  • Carter’s response to Reese’s “I miss you” in Terra Incognita: “That’s good. Being missed means you meant something to people while you were here.”
  • “There’s a time for a scalpel and a time for a hammer. It’s hammer time.”
  • “A friend once told me, in our line of work, we walk in the dark. Doesn’t mean we have to walk in it alone.”

Now trust me when I say collating my top five was hard because there are so many damn good little moments in Person of Interest. There are so many episodes, and so many moments each episode (I could’ve written an entire post on Reese and Shaw’s high school reunion from hell), and so many that I’ve missed out that are sheer gold. And it’s not just between two characters constantly—there is banter and emotion heavy in scenes between all characters—that’s how tight-knit the Machine gang are. Every. Single. Dynamic. Matters. This show just never fails to provide absolutely everything—a lesson on morality, ethics, humanity, humor, emotion—so it’d be fun to hear your thoughts on this!

What were your favorite, brief, underrated little scenes on Person of Interest? I think I can guarantee that there’ll be about five billion moments the #POIFam will come up with, and I will vehemently and most excitedly agree with all of them. I hope this article was a bit of light fun before we delve into some character dynamics and deeper analysis. Hit me up on Twitter @NicolaChoi or even better, comment below and let me know what you think! (I swear I’m gonna take a shot for every mention of Root snapping Martine’s neck…)

—”Playfully witty sign off!” (Yes, I snuck another one in there, and yes, I’m a serial cheat).


  1. This is exactly why I love POI. Like you say not a single scene is irrelevant , and your top five had a lovely mix of emotive, relationship deepening scenes and also some hilarious ones too. I think my favorite ‘little scene’ is when Root and Finch are in the car and Root is genuinely giving a pep talk and all of a sudden: LARRY! I TOLD YOU, BE QUIET, AND YOU’LL GET BACKSEAT PRIVILEGES! It was hilarious! And there are so many….like Caleb Phipps’ return from S2…to make the compressor! This show has really got its plot to a point.

    1. Thank you! And no, it certainly isn’t–it was so hard for me to condense down to X number of scenes because you could see so many important and key moments (not just plot points, but relationship development) in just one episode. POI is so unique in that aspect. And Caleb! Oh how did I forget Caleb from my list?! He’s such a good example of why POI is so clever and intricate in its plotting, and the LAST thing I’d call Greg, Jonah and Denise are lazy. The compressor plot was such a good one. Thank you for your kind words! And LOL at the Root line. Oh my god. I think I laughed out loud when that happened!

  2. Excellent article. This is deceptively simple but actually really meaningful for a show like POI and I think you’ve been very clever in posting this. This isn’t just a “top 5”- these are scenes that MATTER. I’ve read all your other articles and we as a fandom are blessed to have you writing for us. You’re easily one of the wittiest, captivating writers on the website- even your The 100 articles easily beat out the reviews and roundtables. Well done.

    1. Thank you so much! It … it wasn’t so much a top five at all, it was just examples of scenes that had more meaning than it could’ve done. Like the Fusco/Shaw one. It didn’t need to be there, it was irrelevant…but it wasn’t. It was quietly celebrating Shaw’s heritage. It was Fusco willing to learn more. It was beautiful. So yeah, I do love the show for that and its genuine heart, it’s really, really great to see a show written with such love. Thank you for your kind words!

  3. Thanks for another amazing article, Nicola!
    The “I think she already knows” scene has to be my favorite. It always hits me right in the feels and Amy Acker’ acting is simply outstanding.

    Like you said, every single scene is relevant on Person of Interest. Like Amy once said “That’s what they’re so good at, you put down a red pen in episode 2 and then in episode 20 they’re like, remember that red pen? That’s actually the key to the Universe”

    I’m looking forward to your future articles. 🙂

    1. Thank you Isa! Ah, same. The ferocity and quickness at which Harold says it, too, just hits me like a tonne of bricks. He knows. They ALL know. And it doesn’t matter; it’s never made fun of; it’s just there, and part of their family. And indeed! Aha bless Amy, hopefully we’ll be seeing the red pen in season five… Thank you so much! 🙂

  4. Brilliant. BRILLIANT choices, brilliant honorable mentions and a BRILLIANT conversation starter. You’re right. Across all 4 seasons there have been so many moments that lead onto meaningful ones. Especially the Caleb Phipps story. Thank you for this. And thank you for your loveliness on social media, your enthusiasm and your excellent articles.

    1. Thank you Max! And yeah, the Caleb Phipps arc was exceptional. Never in a million years would I have thought he’d have returned, inspired by Finch, to be the saviour (or one of them) for the Machine. We knew he was a tech genius–but that was some on-point plotting. Thank you so much!

  5. I feel like PoI is such an underrated show and these are such underrated scenes. Like you say there really isn’t an irrelevant scene when you piece it all together. Thats why I loved your crash course article so much, because you highlight your favorites but encourage people to watch the whole thing because none of it is irrelevant. All of it builds towards the plot, the relationship dynamics, etc. My personal favorite moment was Root’s “you’re saying maybe someday?” and Shaw says “yeah sure Root, maybe someday”. We know nothing of whats happening until the shot pans out. it was so heart breaking and Amy acker was beautifully acting in that moment.

    1. Hugely under-promoted too. Hopefully as we get an airdate, and as we get more viewers on Netflix–I’ve seen a lot of social media buzz there, and now the social media buzz in France–by the time S5 comes around, it’ll be blistering through people’s screens. Thank you so much for your lovely words–and oh indeed, that scene was heart-shattering. Amy Acker really did some exceptional work in season four. Nothing like I’ve ever seen before, ever. Thank you, Kristin!

  6. This article is so good because it’s exactly what most of the show is about. The article is understated, clever, funny, and it’s really captivating- but it highlights those little moments in POI that are underrated. This article is so intelligently written. You think it’s just a little, fun article but it’s moving, emotional and deep. And that’s what the show excels at too. This isn’t just a simple article for “top five favorite moments”. This was far more intelligent than that. Kudos.

    1. Thank you! And indeed…I think as Ingram mentally notes–who decides what’s relevant and what’s not? And what’s important and what’s not? And POI has proved in its multitude of these types of scenes that everything really is relevant. Every relationship, every little moment–it’s so gorgeously crafted. Thank you so much for your lovely words!

  7. This is amazing. By far my favorite article of yours was your gorgeous love-letter to the fandom, it was genuinely touching and it made me cry. It’s so, so clear that you’re passionate about our show. And this article is no exception. You’re not wrong when you say it’s just a bit of fun, but the thought you put into those moments, the gif-making, and the idea that this kind of article can open up discussion about OUR favorite moments was very well thought-out. Plus the article was written very, very cleverly. It was funny, light and witty, and I didn’t expect the emotive punch. Just like POI.

    1. Thank you, Leonie! Yeah that other article was…a real gift to me too…I was just stunned beyond belief by the responses. As for this–I thought it’d be nice to have a bit of fun and a lighter article before delving deeper into the show. But indeed, I think as fan just like yourself–I love all these moments. All of them. And I’ve never felt this way about a show before, where I’ve genuinely loved every tiny bit. Thank you!

  8. your articles just keep getting better & better. you bring something unique to TNWU, not just your usual boring recap or whatever, you start off reasoning why people should watch POI, you write an emotive and heart-wrenching article about the fandom and made us feel really loved, and this was just excellently done. so unexpected but it’s like how some scenes in POI are surprisingly relevant…this article is as well. Its not just another article, its hidden under the facade of being one. really clever stuff, and i know you say at the end this is some fun before some dynamics exploration and deeper analysis and i cannot wait for that. great work as always.

    1. Thank you! I think POI is so special in that its watched by so many people and yet it’s so…well, it’s not hyped on social media really–and it’s probably the demographic watching. I’ve never seen such consistently quality eps (ITE, The Crossing, TDS…) and thank you so much for your lovely words!

  9. why can’t ALL articles on TNWU be like this one? this is amazing, as were all your other articles. I came for The 100, and stayed for POI. Because of your crash course article I binged it and it’s by far my favorite show now. Your analysis on The 100 is amazing and so intelligent, so I really look forward to when you get into analyzing POI because it’s got so much more potential for analysis, dare I say, than The 100.

    1. Woah, thank you for your immensely kind words, Daryn. I’m honestly stunned you decided to watch because of that article and I’m SO GLAD because it’s brilliant, right? It’s legitimately one of the best shows in TV history–and I’ve never seen quality quite like it. Thank you!

  10. (and then you think a few episodes later “Oh, that’s why she gassed an entire restaurant for that suitcase! She did finish her pancakes first, though, so excellent manners, Root. Wait—pancakes? Pancakes like Shaw’s pancakes? I—what do you mean I’m crying, I’m not crying—what? I have severe allergies to watching people eat their pancakes in honor of their loved ones—”)

    ^I genuinely laughed out loud at that comment. By far you are one of the more talented (maybe the most) writers on this website. Your stuff is ingenious, and I am a tentative The 100 fan (after that episode, not so much) but your analysis and take on the show is something the writers themselves should be reading. I’m so excited for you to cover POI and analyze it as deeply as you did with The 100. your articles so far have been of startling quality themselves but POI is so topical and far more relevant. Really good stuff, and well done! It says on your profile you’re a student so I’m assuming not a professional writer? Trust me, I’ve seen critics write far worse and biased stuff than you! keep it up!

    1. LOL, hey, um, those pancakes–*sniff*–meant a lot, okay?!

      But thank you so much for your kind words. Yeah, I think I’m looking into delving into the dynamics of the TM gang as it were, and then possibly Root and Shaw, and then into the sort of current AI, neurobiology (especially with Shaw’s return) and if it’s possible at all–if it’s realistic–because so far, POI has been extremely solid in its realism, and as you say, very, very topical! Thank you!

  11. I must agree with ‘Daryn’. i actually came to talk nerdy with us with the intention of reading The 100 stuff which ufnortunately didnt do anything for me at all, least of all the recaps. But i saw your analysis of the 100 and was hooked, then i realized you were covering POI. I’d stopped watching POI simply because of time but your crash course article and your 1st one (i knew what would happen to Shaw) drew me back in again and i rewatched POI with vigor and i really enjoyed it, it reminded me of just why i loved POI, so thank you Nicola, for doing that, and in giving me my favorite show back in a way, it was all down to your 2 articles and i think that could be the case for a Talk nerdy with us frequenter. im really looking forward to your analysis because when I was a 100 fan, your analysis articles were the ONLY good articles out of all the 100 articles, so your POI ones im really excited for !! Muy bien!!

    1. Hi Sofia, first off, thank you for your kind words and your love for POI–I think POI greatly deserves that, and is immensely special in that regard, so thank you, and I’m glad you got back into it!

      As for The 100–it’s a shame to hear that because it’s a quality show and I think we do have quality staff, but if perhaps you weren’t looking for recaps, maybe pursue something like scifimania/analyses of the show? But whilst The 100 frustrates me, I get where you’re coming from, but it is definitely buzzing at the moment as it’s airing, and I hope you continue to enjoy that show too, as well as POI, for when it comes back. Thank you, Sofia!

  12. Me too. The 100 coverage on this site offered recaps the size of my thesis, so I skimped on it- and then I saw a really cool analysis on AI and civil war. I was fascinated by the conclusions you drew, and then I read your fight scene analysis that took us step by step through the Lexa and Roan fight on The 100. I couldn’t believe I’d read that because I hadn’t read anything like that on a news outlet before. So I clicked on your stuff, and was disappointed to find you covered mainly PoI. I’d watched some of it, liked it, but forgot about it – but I’ve heard loads of good things on Tumblr about it, and that season 5’s going to probably be the best season (I can’t wait for you to cover that). So consider me fully converted as a POI fan, thanks to your articles. The 100 really took a nosedive in quality and the coverage on this website for that show is really bad. So I’m really looking forward to your coverage of POI, a decent and fascinating show, and your analysis articles too! Thank you so much for re-introducing me to how amazing POI is. Your “crash course” article was so witty and talented it was impossible to not be lured into watching POI once more.

    1. Hi Alex. Thank you so much for your kind words about my articles. Yes I do write dominantly for POI, and it’ll continue to stay that way, probably indefinitely. I’m looking forward to S5 too as it’ll be condensed and there probably won’t even be a moment to catch our breaths back for every episode! And I can’t WAIT!

      As for The 100–I’m really sorry you feel that way about that show. I’m still a fan of it–as in, I still watch the show when I get the chance, and I’m not busy–but I think with that, often…certain storylines that are frustrating get played out, or are made sense of–it’s sixteen episodes again, isn’t it? So hopefully it’ll all become clear, and certain messages won’t remain highly offensive.

      Thank you for your kind words re: POI. They’re greatly appreciated!

  13. I love the episode Lady Killer simply because:

    -We see Reese and Shaw on a boat pretending to date. Yet Shaw wants to row the boat.
    -We finally see the trio of Zoe, Carter and Shaw go on a mission. I love how Carter (Hi Cookie) and Shaw were showing off their guns while Zoe (Hi Abby Griffin) was holding her very own PINK taser nonchalantly.
    -Also the Return of Root. Gassing the entire psychiatric hospital then fighting with Hersch before she escapes..
    -Shaw/Bear date at the end of the episode.

    PS: Thank you for always writing wonderful articles about POI. Your contents are worth reading and it must be shared to everyone. I urge all TNWU fans to read this article and watch Person of Interest S1-S4 on Netflix.

    1. Oh my GOD, that episode was a GOLDMINE. It was absolutely brilliant and for all the reasons you mentioned! Loved sharp-shooting Shaw as well, and the badassery between all three ladies wielding their different charms and strengths. In the end it were the ladies who killed it, not the POI! Thank you so much for reading! 🙂

    1. Oh–that’s such a shame. You know, it’s a weekly thing and hopefully it’ll ramp up after 3×05–I think the writers really did try to do something spectacular this season (Polis has been magnificent). Thank you for your nice words about POI–the more the merrier. Thank you, Jakob!

  14. I have to agree with a lot of the comments here. I came for the 100 but will definitely stay for POI. After I kinda lost interest in T100 I was looking for a new show to get invested in. I saw a lof of people raving about Shaw and Root and the show in general on tumblr and after reading your “Are you all watching Person of Interest Yet?” article I decided to give it a try. And OH MY GOD, I can’t believe how good it is. Tbh I didn’t understand all the hype until I reached Shaw’s introduction episode but from then on I was absolutely hooked and season 3 and 4 totally blew my mind. That’s the kind of quality TV I was looking for. Seriously, everyone needs to watch it!

    Thank you so much for all your excellent articles, Nicola!

    1. Gosh, I didn’t realise that the show had spurned such negativity…I’d say give it a chance. I mean it’s 5 episodes of a 16-episode season, how else could it possibly go wrong? (I…say that with caution, lol). It is a shame because The 100 I think elevated after season 1, certainly in, sort of, quality, I guess.

      Thank you so much for your kind words. I think Root and Shaw are magical additions to the show, and I’m glad you liked my article and tried the show out! It can be a little slow to start off with as I noted in my “crash course” article–but once you get to seasons 3 and 4 (possibly the best seasons of anything I’ve ever seen) I think you understand the importance of seasons 1 and 2, certainly character-wise. I think that’s what I love about POI. There isn’t anything quite as cohesive as it. Thank you so much!

  15. Wonderful article! I love reading perspectives from writers that are not only fans of a show (in this case Person of Interest) but actually understand why it is such an entertaining, addictive and very relevant show. You are exactly spot on with your article title “No Scene in Person of Interest is Irrelevant”. May I also add that NO CHARACTER from Reese to Bear, from Leon to Elias is irrelevant. Every single main character, reoccurring character and even one time character enhance and raise the bar of the show to a whole new level. Again, you are indeed right in expressing that they are a “tight-knit” gang. I like to think of them all as a wonderfully diverse and dysfunction family unit, each member brings strength to the other even with their trust issues from the past and with each other. Perspective is subjective and preference is subjective, there are many fans that like more episodes than others etc but I really enjoyed your choices (“Most Likely To…” is a great one for humour, and from Season 1, may I suggest Super). Thank you again for being a fan and for writing in a way that appeals to ALL fans of the show. Keep doing a great job!

    1. Oh absolutely! Yeah, you know, I’m 100% fan of the show and I confess I do “ship” Root and Shaw, but I love the show for reasons far, far beyond a ship. I love the complexity of it, the ethics, the morality, the science, the dynamics–all of it–and it’s absolutely brilliant. Thank you so much and you’re so right! That…is possibly another article LOL. But you’re 100% right. Elias in particular has been spot=on–and Control, as well! And yes indeed, just the entire TV experience is entirely subjective, so my little list of small moments could be wildly different to another’s and with good reason and justification…there are so many special moments in POI that it honestly blows my mind. And indeed. I think if I wrote in a biased way that only appealed to one sector of fans, that’s not fair. I am simply a fan. But in writing pieces I think you have to write about the show as a whole, unless you’re doing a specific character or relationship analysis; you can’t excuse an article about POI scenes and then include 5 exclusively Reese/Finch scenes or Root/Shaw scenes. That’s horribly biased, unfair, and no single character or relationship makes the show. It’s the glue that holds all these core characters, and every other character, together, that does–in the midst of this huge AI war. Thank you!

  16. I love that this article highlights moments that many will consider ‘irrelevant’ because I feel the show tries to work many elements together and they come through beautifully. Some people come for the action, drama, mystery, ships, intrigue or the topical nature of the show but they all stay FOR the show and not what they originally came for.

    This article is definitely your best yet and I’d say it’s probably the most important one because it encompasses what almost all will like.

    1. Thank you Ben!! I really appreciate your lovely words 🙂 There really is a little bit for everyone on POI, like you mention. All those dynamics, plotlines, even a romance, the action…just ingenious…wow thank you for the high praise, it’s much appreciated! 🙂

  17. Speaking of moments, one of my favorite is when Reese shows up as Zoe’s new driver. His spot on portrayal of what my grandmother called “big and dumb” charmed me (and fooled Zoe).
    But I have always felt that the underlying theme of the show is redemption. It holds out hope that there can always be a second chance. That’s something few of us can do without.
    As with others, I thank you for making this time of uncertainty less bleak for so many.

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