Erica is a former social worker and mother of three who has been writing since she was a child. She currently writes fanfiction for the Veronica Mars and The 100 fandoms and is published on Kindle Worlds as well as and She hopes to one day have the chance to be a fly on the wall on set of her fave shows while filming!
Neither Earth on The Flash is all that it’s cracked up to be, but at this point, Earth 2.0 is looking pretty sweet. There’s Killer Frost and Reverb and WestAllen and Joe singing and…what more do we need? Of course, Joe singing led to Joe dying and that just started the downward spiral of things going sour for Earth 2.0.
Take a look below at fan reactions to the episode found on Tumblr:
– Zero Allen family time (the phone call doesn’t count)
– Jay’s yet another secret (wth dude? how many do you have in total?)
– Ronnie’s third death in the same show (he is starting to resemble a cat)
– Cisco 2.0’s death.
Things I do like about 2×13 of Flash
– Ronnie’s face when Barry says Killer Frost’s name
– The smirk melts all watery.
– Deadshot’s bad shot
– Barry and Cisco’s low screams when they saw Henry
– “…our Earth…I mean…” mumbling babbling Barry
– Joe’s singing
– Barry and Cisco’s faces when they saw KF
– Killer Frost’s froze expression when Barry calls her name
– “DON’T KILL HIM!” Killer Frost shouting for Barry
– DANIELLE PANABAKER’S EVIL BITCH OF AN ACTING!!!! *stands up and applaud for the next few hours*
Omg seeing the whole opposite of earth 1 was beautiful ! Omg the feels between Cisco and Barry taking pictures and seeing Henry again ??????? they were so adorbs. ❄️❄️? killer frost was amazing! Her voice changes when she talks was cute! The badassery of her and firestorm was cute af! But sadly when he died by zoom at the end was crazy but it’s like their star crossed in a way? Idk. When iris and Barry were married lol ok. That’s funny. Where’s the snowbarry at?! OMG and joe hating Barry I’m like bruh!!! That’s sad af?! But remember everything is the opposite on earth 2. Also REVERB DUDE?! What kind of name was that?! Ahha vibe is sooo better, Cisco seeing his doppelgänger self die the same way he died on earth 1 that was truly devastating ??? but the chemistry between Barry and Caitlin when they were in jitterbug. Caitlin! I know you and how her face changed ! See!!!! But no one wants to admit the chemistry. And the ending ??? zoom taking Barry like come on?! Seriously ?! And that one guy machine head dude doing morse code like wtf?! Hahaha. P.s. The earth 2 Barry is ahahha puppy and adorbs but totally a nerdy fanboy?? but too much of that can be annoying ? I really can’t wait until the outtakes are out !
OMG I’m so happy they’re finally utilizing Jesse Martin’s singing voice!!! The man was in Rent for chrissakes it’s a crime the show has gone on this long without him singing
Can we get a buddy cop spin-off for Iris & Lawton, please. Tough, brilliant & beautiful Detective Iris West teams up with bumbling, incompetent but well-meaning Floyd Lawton to tackle the growing metahuman threat in Central City. Naturally, comedy ensues.
I am so in love with Earth 2′s aesthetic tho like the fucking art nuveau 1920s mixed with ‘50s shit plus electric monorails and super advanced tech…i live for this shit
Can I just say that Grant Gustin does such a fantastic job with the Earth-1 and Earth-2 Barry Allens?
I mean, there’s no point at which you think they’re too similar or too different. Earth-2 Barry is somewhat like the early Season 1 Barry in terms of fanboying, but his voice is still different, his mannerisms are different, hell even his facial expressions are different. And when Earth-1 Barry assumes his identity, it’s still Earth-1 Barry’s voice and (relative) chill in comparison, still very much Barry as we know him.
And then in that promo for next week’s episode, Earth-2 Barry is so himself, he’s not a carbon copy of Earth-1 Barry even when he’s interacting with Barry’s friends, or wakes up in his clothes. He’s so different while still being a version of Barry. I really can’t wait to see it next week.
I’ll also say that the same goes for all of the actors in this show. I mean, we already know that Tom Cavanaugh does a great job with Earth-1 Wellsobard vs. Earth-1 real!Harrison vs. Earth-2 Harry, but now we got to also see how Candice Patton and Carlos Valdes and Danielle Panabacker (and others) navigate that, and I think they all did such amazing jobs. At no point do you ever feel like it’s just that we dressed their character in a different wardrobe, like you actually feel they’re a completely different person when you’re watching it.