Talk Nerdy With Us Weekly TV Superlative Awards (January 3rd-16th)

Aaaaand we’re back! Did you guys enjoy your holidays/mini-hiatus? I know I did, but I’m just about ready for all my TV shows to start back up. Since all TV shows have been having their spring premieres sporadically over the last two weeks (and some premiering next week), we have decided to combine these two week’s superlatives into one. So, without further ado…


Best one-liner: iZOMBIE

“I’d ship those two if he weren’t dead” – ravi chakrabarti

iZombie has never shied away from being a hilariously meta show, and that is probably one of my most favorite things about it. It never misses an opportunity to make meta references to itself or pop culture in general. So, naturally, an episode focused on a murder on Liv’s favorite zombie TV show was ripe with opportunities, and iZombie did not waste any of them. Among many other funny meta references such as Clive calling the idea of having a zombie show focused on zombies dumb and later telling Liv that zombies creep him out, and Ravi and Liv’s discussion on tax-credits and filming locations. One of the funniest lines in the episode though, for me, was Ravi saying he would totally ship the two main characters on the show if one of them hadn’t tragically died because of the actor’s death.

Honorable Mention: Undateable (I’m so mad that there’s nothing else I can spoil anymore! You know what, at the end of Making a Murderer, Steve Avery is guilty!)


katana girl

The Heroes universe has always had its share of badass characters, which isn’t all that surprising considering that it focuses on a bunch of people with superpowers and larger-than-life destinies. Katana Girl is no different. A video game character brought to life by her creator in the image of his comatose daughter, Katana Girl’s missions have ranged from freeing Hiro Nakamura to helping her father and the heroes in defeating Renautus. She has selflessly been ready to sacrifice herself for her mission in the past, and has not shied away from danger in her quest to free her father. In last week’s episode, Katana Girl engaged in a fight with Harris’s clones. Eventually, Harris decided to take her on one-on-one. The fight was a delight to watch. In the end, Katana Girl realized that her real-world apparition was slowly fading away, and stabbed Harris through herself to finally kill him, and then disappearing for good herself. Good bye, Katana Girl. You will be missed!

shadiest character: heroes reborn

matt parkman

Oh man. Matt Parkman has come so far from the well-intentioned and hardworking LAPD officer we first met in the original series, and I’m not sure it’s a good thing. When Matt was first introduced in Heroes, he was a police officer who kept failing to advance to detective because of his dyslexia, and then developed the power to read and eventually control people’s minds. He was one of the heroes, the good guys. Over the course of the original series, we saw him develop and change in many ways, but one thing always remained the same, he was a good guy who cared about people. Sure we got glimpses of shady/evil Matt Parkman in one of the Alternate Future timelines, the actual timeline of the show always gave us the good guy version of him. But, all that changed when the revival series was introduced. The Matt in this Heroes Reborn has started working for Erica (originally maybe due to blackmail) and has become more like his father, Maury Parkman. He has been running Sunstone Manor for Renautus where he keeps all the EVOs under his mass mind-control. After our team of heroes take over the Manor, they give Matt an opportunity to assist them. Instead of helping them, like the old Matt Parkman would have done, he turns on them and takes Taylor, Erica’s daughter, hostage to secure his safe passage to the other side. Molly Walker would be so disappointed in you, Matt. Oh wait, she died because of circumstances caused by your boss. What a mess.

MOST swoonworthy MOMENT: new girl

SCHMIDt does a bollywood dance

The season 5 premiere opened with the preparations of Schmidt and Cece’s engagement party. Jess gets Schmidt to help her put together a Bollywood dance performance for the party. Things start to go downhill, though, when Cece’s mother refuses to give her blessings for Cece to marry Schmidt. So, in his efforts to win Cece’s mother over, Schmidt puts together quite possibly the cutest dance performance ever and puts his best Bollywood dance-moves forward. The scene was super swoon-worthy because Schmidt was trying his best to show Cece’s mother that he truly loves Cece and to give them a chance. It was the sweetest thing ever to watch! (contributed by Shadia Omer)

Honorable Mention: Shadowhunters (Jace saving Clary from the demon attacking her, and saying “I got you” after she collapses from the demon poison.)


sheriff stilinksi and stiles’ hospital exchange

Teen Wolf’s spring premiere starts off with Sheriff Stilinksi in critical condition. Stiles fears that he will lose his dad, which prompts flashbacks to his mother’s funeral. In which his dad tells him, “You still got me, Stiles.” This parallels wonderfully to the present when Stiles is lying with his head on his dad’s hospital bed and Sheriff Stilinski wakes up and tells Stiles again, “You’ve still got me.” Talk about heart wrenching! (Contributed by Shadia Omer)


liv and her actor brains

It’s always interesting to see Liv go on different brains and seeing the resulting personality changes in her, and Rose McIver always manages to amaze me with her performance as different Livs. This episode was no different. This week we saw Liv first eat some actor brains, and the results were hilarious. Two of the funniest scenes were Liv pretending to eat an apple while Ravi pretended to eat popcorn (such adorable dorks!) and Liv running lines with the Zombie High star Wyatt and then slapping him because “it just felt right.”


claude, leith, and latin lessons

Woohoo! Our resident cuties are back at it with their adorable cuteness. This week on Reign saw Claude struggling with her feelings and fears of getting hurt by pushing Leith away, but not before they were able to have some precious Latin lessons. Honestly, if all Latin lessons involved Leith and were this cute, I would be very fluent by now. Sigh. The “Latin” lesson was really just Leith teaching Claude some basic self-defense so she can protect herself (and also escape from the royals that are courting her for marriage), but it was full with their signature fluffy cuteness. Gah, I just can’t stop gushing over these two.

That’s it for this week! Don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comments and let us know if we missed anything or if there are any categories you would like us to add! We will see you next week with more Talk Nerdy With Us Weekly TV Superlative Awards! 

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