iZombie: Liv is Ready For Her Close Up

What happens when a sci-fi show crosses with a television high school drama? You get the latest episode of iZombie.
This article may contain spoilers so if you haven’t seen the episode, please do not continue reading.
The premise of the episode found Liv on the set of a television high school drama after she eats the brains of the show’s murdered star. I couldn’t help thinking of Beverly Hills 90210 while watching this episode. Was Liv playing Brenda or Kelly? This was the question that kept popping up in my head.
Having the mid-season premiere of iZombie be a meta episode was an excellent choice. It gave Rose McIver and Rahul Kohli as Liv and Ravi the chance to do what they do best, comedic banter. These two are great together and make solving murders fun with their lines. But Ravi is more than just comic relief. He is committed to finding a permanent zombie cure and viewers have the confidence that he will do it.
I liked how Clive was uncomfortable by the zombies on the television show “zombies freak him out”. Unaware he’s been unknowingly working with one for the past months! Plus, now we know if the Medical Assistant thing doesn’t work out, Liv can pursue a career as an actress!
“Method Head” was a highly enjoyable outing for iZombie. Move over Supernatural, you’re not the only series on The CW that can do meta episodes well.
iZombie airs Tuesdays at 9pm/8c on The CW.