Fans React: You Know You’re Obsessed With Shadowhunters When…

It’s only been on our screens for two weeks now, but for diehard fans the obsession with Freeform’s new demon-hunting drama Shadowhunters has been around for quite some time.
We took to social media this week to see how the fans were coping, and some of the responses were downright hilarious.
Some got meta with their answers:
“You know you’re obsessed with Shadowhunters when you argue whether something is white, blonde or platinum.”
– @BeMyBaeTay“You know you’re obsessed with Shadowhunters when someone pisses you off and you automatically mutter “mundanes” under your breath.”
– @Aleclightsweed“You know you’re obsessed with Shadowhunters when your wardrobe is full of black, leather, glitter and nothing less than 7 inches.”
– @TMI Australia“…you’ve seen the show so much that you dream yourself into the show then wake up with “Monsters” literally stuck in your head!
– @Reddyheddy15“You know you’re obsessed with Shadowhunters when you want to go to Pandemonium and party with Magnus Bane.”
– @BeMyBaeTay“You know for a fact you definitely have Nephilim blood, because this eyeliner rune you just gave yourself ain’t hurtin’.”
– @Aleclightsweed
Some are perhaps a sign for concern?
“You know you’re obsessed with Shadowhunters when you watch episode 1 & 2 on a loop, & stalk your fellow shadowhunter fan accounts. ;)”
– @NoveleraSalvaje“You know your obsessed with Shadowhunters when you rewatch the episodes and already know all the dialogue before they say it.”
– @247OTPFangirl“You know you’re obsessed with Shadowhunters when you buy cable just to be able to watch the show live.”
– @Oquinn53“You know you’re obsessed with Shadowhunters when you lie on the floor in despair for an entire week waiting for the next episode.”
– @Windoq_“You know you’re obsessed with Shadowhunters when you have no life anymore.”
– @Jennifer_Kret
For others, the obsession is so great, even family and friends are in on it:
“You know you’re obsessed with Shadowhunters when your mom leaves a voicemail on premiere night and asks if you bought a new outfit for your date with Mr. Daddario.”
– @Oquinn53“You know you’re obsessed with Shadowhunters when you can take any topic of conversation and somehow relate it to shadowhunters. #mypoorfriends”
– @BlueIcedCoffee“You know you’re obsessed with Shadowhunters when your friends assume Matt Daddario is your boyfriend and you’ve never felt more flattered.”
– @Aleclightsweed“You know you’re obsessed with Shadowhunters when your parents know to leave the living room on Tuesdays @8pm for fear of being yelled at.”
– @Izziesalec“You know you’re obsessed with Shadowhunters when you get your parents cross-country to record it on their DVR so you can watch it when you come home for holidays.”
– @TriveniGore“You know you’re obsessed with Shadowhunters when you spam your friends so much with promo pics and excitement that they’ll watch the show just to shut you up.”
– @Oquinn53
Hang in there, Shadowhunters fans!
Shadowhunters airs Tuesdays at 9pm/8c on Freeform, and next day internationally on Netflix.
I love this, lol. Nice to know that we are all in this together!
What can I say I love this show, the cast, and the lovely positive part of the community how can I not be obsessed?
my comment made the list lol..*hides* but love this all the same.