Fandom Speaks: This Week’s Teen Wolf has Stilinski Family Feels and…SCILES

Stiles! Stiles and his dad! Stiles and Scott! Teen Wolf’s second week back brought a lot of feels to the table. Judging by Tumblr, fans are definitely more happy about some things than others, but overall it seems that this week’s episode was very well received.

The biggest complaint seems to be that too much time was spent focused on Theo’s pack when the majority of the time should be spent on the core group. Also, it seems that very few viewers are interested in the chimera.

Liam and Mason “sucking at being detectives” was mentioned as a positive of the episode more than once along with the obvious feels-inducing bridge rebuilding done by Scott and Stiles.

And now for a treat direct from a fan, bullet point thoughts on the episode from Tumblr user sarcasmandstarwars: 

Stay tuned next week for another Fandom Speaks!


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