Cosplay Closet Essentials: Sapphire Star Cosplay


She’s mean. She’s green. She’s Sapphire Star Cosplay, and she plays She-Hulk to a T, along with Lilo (photo credit Grant Brummet Photography), and numerous mashups. Creativity is never far from Sapphire Star, and it shows in her detailed cosplays. Her cosplay life is on display at and she can be found on Twitter at @SapphireStarCos.

Describe how you discovered cosplay.

“Well, I was always in the Halloween like a little kid. I look forward to it every year, sometimes decorating months in advance. In 2009, I found out Comicon existed. I’m a huge research fiend when I get excited about things. I started looking more into it and found out that people dress up year round. This is something seemingly inconceivable to me at the time. In 2010, my friend took me to Phoenix Comicon! There, I found so many people dressed up as whatever they wanted to be. That really excited me! The following year I decided to dress up. It felt very liberating to escape your everyday life and jump into another being’s skin for a while. I’ve been doing it ever since.”

How did you learn your sewing skills?

“As someone who has always felt uncomfortable in their skin from one reason or another, it’s very freeing to be able to escape yourself. A lot of my sewing was trial and error. I was in Girl Scouts and learn how to hand sew very basic shapes. That’s how I did my first costume. Moving beyond that, my brother had a sewing machine and let me use it. Naturally, I bought my own sewing machine and kept practicing.”

So you’re largely self-taught. Do you prefer patterns or making it up as you go?

“Honestly, I do prefer making my own patterns, but if I find a pattern that isn’t too hard to read I might use it [Laughs] I used Yaya Han’s bodysuit pattern for one of my costumes and it was fantastic, have a ton of patterns I haven’t even broken into yet because I find them quite intimidating.”

What is your favorite genre/style to cosplay? Comic books, anime, TV, etc.?

“It’s really hard to say, a lot of my costumes have been superheroes. Although I love comic books a lot of superhero costumes are outside of my comfort zone. I love fantasy and TV shows and movies and books, there a lot of really intricate costumes that I want to do eventually. It’s hard to say [Laughs] If I had to say something, it would probably be comic books mashed up with something else. Like my Harley Quinn Deadmau5 head or my steampunk Star Sapphire. I like doing stuff that’s outside of the norm while still holding on to some semblance of familiarity. Eventually, I hope to have my skills with sewing match up with the ideas in my head and the costumes that I desperately want to do.”

I love mashups! I’m doing a Jedi TARDIS and making a Sith Time Lord for my husband.

“That sounds super awesome!”

Have you ever done any fabrication (props etc)?

“Not yet, I plan to add some of my future costumes. I have the stuff for it I just need to get around to touching it [Laughs] Props are pretty intimidating. I’m planning on making a set of Mandalorian armor soon.”

Speaking of plans, have any other big cosplay plans for your next con?

“I have a few. There’s two groups I’m part of for a couple of costumes, we’re doing Jem and the Holograms as well as a Monty Python group cosplay for the Holy Grail. I’m planning on making a Warcraft style armor representing the Slytherin house for Harry Potter.”

Ooh, the Warcraft/Harry Potter mashup sounds fun!

“I thought so too! I’m so excited because there a couple of people doing it with me but with their own.”

What has been the biggest cosplay challenge you’ve faced so far in terms of creation?

“Probably my Harley Quinn Power Girl. It was my first time using an already established pattern that I had to adjust to my own body. It can be scary sometimes because there is a clear image of how it’s supposed to look when it’s finished which leaves a little wiggle room to mess up. That was my first time using an already established pattern. Recreating things can be hard versus your own ideas.”

If you had unlimited budget, skill, and time, what would be your ideal cosplay to make?

“Oh my gosh! [Laughs] I’ll have to seriously think about that! I just might make a Gundam suit or hyper realistic Disney princess dress.”

And lastly, name three items that you consider essential to any cosplayer’s closet/workspace.

“Easy. Hot glue. E6000. And rum.”


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