5 Reasons You Need to Watch Teen Wolf Season 5B

After a cliffhanger that left us breathless followed by a hiatus that seemed to last a lifetime, Teen Wolf is finally back with the second half of Season 5. 5B is a mixture of new and old faces that promises to be one of the craziest seasons of Teen Wolf yet. If you are looking for a good show to watch while you escape the terrible winter weather, here are 5 reasons why Teen Wolf should be on the top of your list.
- The return of old characters.
The trailer from New York Comic Con confirmed that many characters will be returning in the upcoming season. Many of the fan favorite villains are returning to Beacon Hills, including Gerard Argent, and Deucalion. Whether or not they will remain evil is yet to be determined. Chris Argent is also returning to help the pack, but noticeably without Isaac. The trailer also hinted at the return of another person from the Argent clan: Allison. There are rumors going around that the features of a warrior in a scene of the trailer resemble those of Crystal Reed, but only time will tell if these rumors are true.
- A zombie chimera pack.
At the end of 5A, Theo revived the dead chimeras to form a zombie chimera pack since he was unable to secure Scott’s pack. They will need to set aside their differences with Scott’s pack, even though they tried to tear them apart in order to take down The Beast.
- Friendships will be tested.
Scott and Stiles ended the first half of the season in a rocky situation. Scott believed Theo’s version of the Stiles/Donovan story, and wanted nothing to do with Stiles. They have been friends for forever, so hopefully we don’t have to wait too long to see them kiss and make up. Scott also needs to mend his friendship with Liam. Liam tried to kill him in the Beacon Hills library during the finale, but as his alpha, Scott needs to find a way to help Liam control his anger and keep himself alive in the process.
4. Romance.
Relationships took a hard hit in the first half of the season. Stiles and Malia broke up at the end of last season, Liam thinks Hayden is dead, and Kira moved out-of-town. The only couple that was left with a bit of hope at the end of the season was Lydia and Parrish, but now she’s trapped in Eichen House. There was chemistry between Theo and Malia last season, so hopefully things are looking up on the romance front.
- The Beast.
Only the silhouette of this creature has been released so far, but it is already haunting my dreams.
You can tune in to the premiere of Teen Wolf Season 5B today at 9pm on MTV, but in the meantime you can watch the official trailer below.