The Originals: Season 3 Perceptions of The Mikaelsons

“Always and Forever”. That’s the motto of the Mikaelson family of The Originals. But can New Orleans’ oldest vampires stick to that in order to save their family from a deadly prophecy? That’s the question they face as Season 3 progresses on The Originals. This article addresses information from Season 3 so if you haven’t seen the current season, please do not continue reading.
The Originals have painted the Mikaelsons as the deadliest vampires that ever lived. After all, they are the original vampires (hence the show title) and brought havoc throughout Europe for centuries. Additionally, they have sired many other vampires that come with their own set of blood baggage. Season 3 introduced a trio of these vampires: Lucien, Aurora and Tristan, who the Mikaelsons met back in 1002AD as the newly turned vampire family were fleeing from the father they feared. Now centuries later, Lucien, Aurora and Tristan hold the fate of Freya, Elijah, Klaus and Rebecca in their hands. Of course, if the Mikaelsons are killed, it wipes out their entire sire-line (which would be an easy way to end both The Originals and The Vampire Diaries).
But Lucien, Aurora and Tristan have other plans for the family which involves the old “divide and conquer” strategy. Mainly, turning the Mikaelsons against each other by planting seeds of mistrust amongst their ranks.
In my opinion, this is a brilliant strategy. For all the proclamations of family loyalty, the Mikaelsons mistrust each other more than anyone else. Klaus and Elijah are the biggest offenders. I’ve never seen two brothers hurt each other as much as these two. Sticking daggers in each other’s chests to bring on sleep. And not just the “I got my eight hours” kind. This is eternal sleep and lasts for decades at a time.
The only way the Mikaelsons will survive against this latest threat is to pack their egos in one of the many coffins they keep in their home and really work together (Are you listening Klaus and Elijah?). They were able to defeat their sinister Aunt Dahlia in Season 2 by standing together.
I want to see the Mikaelsons band together against their enemies and prevail, but I admit I don’t want that to happen for a while. In my opinion, the characters are more interesting as nemesis. Elijah’s poetic one liners are the best, especially when aimed at Klaus.
I’m curious to see how the remainder of Season 3 will unfold.
The Originals airs Thursdays at 9/8c on The CW.