Talk Nerdy With Us Weekly TV Superlative Awards: The Hashtag Edition (December 6th-14th)

Hello again my wonderful readers! It’s that time of the season. Now that all of our favorite shows have left us emotionally compromised after their explosive midseason finales, they will be taking a little break before they are back to destroying our feels. So, this will be the last Superlatives post for the year 2015 and for this season until the shows start back up again in January. Enjoy! 🙂

Also, confused by the addition to the usual title? You’ll see when you read more. Teehee.




Season 2 of ABC’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. introduced a handful of very interesting new characters. One of these characters was Mack. Since his introduction we have seen Mack go through quite a lot of development and hardship, and he has come out of it stronger and more badass than ever. The winter finale left Mack in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D. as Acting Director after Coulson decided to step aside to take care of his personal issues with Ward. The decision actually ended up being great because of how well Mack handled being in charge. He made all the right calls and took all the right risks, and really made the viewers wonder why Mack isn’t the permanent director, especially with the dark spiral Coulson has been going down this season. I’m all for it! #MackForDirector2k16

BAD GUY OF THE WEEK: supernatural


I mean, honestly, who could better suit this category than the original bad guy? We haven’t seen the fallen angel in Supernatural since he got locked in a cage by the Winchesters way back in season 5 (Sam’s hallucinations of him weren’t really him), so it was quite a delight for the Supernatural fans to see their dear old Luci back in the game. What finally made Lucifer return? Well, Sam has been having visions that he thought are from God, which seem to tell him to have a chat with Lucifer. So, being out of every other option, Sam obliges. Only to find out that the visions were actually sent by Lucifer himself since the release of the Darkness left his cage a little damaged, allowing him to reach out to Sam. And now, Lucifer has Sam trapped in his cage with him and is trying to find creative ways of making Sam allow himself to be a vessel for Luci. Yikes! Poor Sammy. #ProtectSammy2k16

BEST KISS: chicago fire

Jimmy and chili

The two have been sneaking around behind Paterson’s back, which is a little risky. Jimmy tells Chili that they need to cool down for a bit so they don’t get in trouble. But then later, Chili sneaks into Jimmy’s shower at the station and tells him that she doesn’t care what everyone thinks, and the two kiss. Shower kisses are never not hot, and this was certainly no exception. *fans self* #ShowerKisses2k16

Honorable Mention: The Big Bang Theory (Shamy)

biggest otp moment: arrow

olicity get engaged

Arrow’s Olicity have faced their fair share of ups and downs (and then some), but the one constant is that they are always able to work through their issues and find their way back to each other. After all the emotional distress that this episode (and the episodes before) caused, Team Arrow and Olicity are finally able to take a breath and count a win against Darhk. At the tree-lighting ceremony, Oliver takes Felicity up on stage with him and during his speech tells everyone that she is his light. And then proposes to her! AWWW. Whether you ship them or not, you have to admit that it was an adorable proposal! The two definitely deserved some happiness after everything that has gone on (and is about to go on). Sigh. Cuties. #LetOlicityBeHappy2k16 Which leads us to…


felicity gets shot

Geez! These two can’t catch a break, can they? So, right after Oliver proposes and all the fun and rainbows, Oliver and Felicity take a limo ride back home in which they share cutesy moments. And then get attacked by Damien Dahrk’s minions. Yikes. The limo gets surrounded by cars who are shooting at them, and although the two are able to duck as Oliver covers Felicity, Oliver later has to jump to the driver’s seat to escape the gunfire. It’s only after he gets them to safety and goes back to check on Felicity that we are shown that Felicity caught a bullet and is unconscious and bleeding. NOOO! Now we have to wait till January to find out what becomes of our genius Ms. Smoak. #SaveFelicity2k16

MOST EMOTIONAL SCENE: once upon a time

emma stabs killian

After Dark Hook invited all the Dark Ones back to Storybook, it was difficult to imagine how they would be defeated. Throughout the episode we see Emma try to find a way to save everyone, and she eventually does. She realizes that if she can put all the Dark Ones back into the sword, tether them to herself, and kill herself, everyone else will be safe. But everyone else is opposed to the plan, including Dark Hook. But in the end,  when all seems lost, as Nimueh is about to kill Emma to stop her from trying to fight them, Killian finds a way to fight the darkness in him and save her. He attaches the power of all the Dark Ones to the sword and tethers it to himself, and then asks Emma to stab him so the darkness can be defeated once and for all. Emma has no choice but to heartbreakingly oblige and after a tearful goodbye, she plunges the sword into his heart. Ouch! Right in the Buffy/Angel feels! All is not lost, however, as we later learn that it was Rumple who had absorbed the power of all the Dark Ones and therefore Hook has no business being dead. So everyone is going to venture into the Underworld to bring him back! Yippee! #RescueKillian2k16

MOST HEARTwarming MOMENT: jane the virgin

jane and rafael go to therapy

Poor Jane and Rafael can just not catch a break. Every time they come closer, something bad happens and they are apart again. That’s what happened last episode when Jane found out that Rafael paid someone to testify to the police on his behalf about Michael’s dealings with his ex-partner. After being furious for quite a few days, Jane finally agrees to go to couple’s therapy with Rafael. The session takes a little bit of a rocky start, but when the two are asked to put themselves in the other’s shoes, they work through their issues and mend fences. Aw! It was really quite a heartwarming and cute scene. #KeepCalmAndTherapy2k16

MOST HEARTfelt reunion: agents of s.h.i.e.l.d.

Fitzsimmons reunite

After their emotional good-bye last episode before Fitz jumped through the portal to Maveth, Fitzsimmons fans were left quite heartbroken. That was mended this week when Fitz finally returned from his perilous journey and the two were reunited with a tearful hug. Of course there was a bittersweet element to the reunion considering that Simmons was hoping to see Will return to Earth with the team, which he did not. But you lose some, you gain some. At least now our Science Babies are back together and safe! #StopSeparatingFitzSimmons2k16


cisco exasperated over caitlin and jay

Caitlin and Jay have been dancing around their awkward sexual tension and cute moments since the latter first arrived on Earth 1. This episode, that tension was finally addressed on the show as Cisco expressed the audiences sentiments about it. Cisco is seen commenting things like, “Just kiss already” and, “This is painful to watch” as the two continue to try to ignore the romantic buildup between them, and it is nothing short of hilarious. Thankfully, this is resolved soon when the two find themselves under a mistletoe and finally kiss. At which Cisco exclaims a relieved “Finally!” #Earth2HasMistletoes2k16

CUTEST SCENE: you’re the worst

jimmy and gretchen say i love you

Gretchen has had quite the season. After dealing with her depression, she is finally getting better so she listens to Jimmy and agrees to see a doctor and get some help. Then, she tells him that he had said something to her when he was drunk. When Jimmy tells her to not tell him what he said, she says “I love you too.” Aww! It’s about time these two said those three words! #LoveIsInTheAir2k16

That’s it for this week, or this year. Don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comments and let us know if we missed anything or if there are any categories you would like us to add! We will see you next year with more Talk Nerdy With Us Weekly TV Superlative Awards! 

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