Little Known Movies Worth Your Time

The other day I was watching a very good movie and wondering “Why haven’t more people discovered this movie?” Which got me thinking. “I write for an entertainment website. I should tell people about movies like this!” So I’ve decided to do a weekly article about little known movies that are definitely worth your time.
Each week I will bring you 1 or 2 movies that you might not know about but are quality movies. This week I bring you 2 of my favorite little known heist movies.
Craig Roberts, Imogen Poots, Timothy Spall, Kevin McKidd, & Josef Altin
Why I love this movie:
Comes A Bright Day weaves very beautiful storylines in a very dangerous situation. This movie is a total date night movie. You have both romance and thrilling situations. Giving everyone something to enjoy.
What it’s about:
Sam (Craig Roberts) is a concierge tasked with picking up a watch for a hotel guest. As he is in the exclusive jewelry store two men enter intent on stealing a (fake) historical and very expensive piece of jewelry. Things do not go their way and they end up taking Sam and three other people hostage.
My personal rating: A
Luke Treadaway, Timothy Spall, Matthew Lewis, Iwan Rheon, & Gerard Kearns
Why I love this movie:
Put simply this movie assumes it’s audience is intelligent. It’s fun, it’s intelligent, and it gives it’s audience everything you want in a heist movie.
What it’s about:
Harvey Miller (Luke Treadaway) sits in a police interrogation room under suspicion of the foiled robbery and suspected of the attempted murder of the local mob boss. Inspector West (Timothy Spall) suspects Harvey is somehow involved. Harvey agrees to tell his side of the events and we are taken back to when Harvey is released from prison and taken on a wild ride as Harvey and his three best friends plan and attempt the robbery.
My personal rating: A