David Boreanaz: From Buffy to Booth

It’s hard to believe that it’s been 18 years since David Boreanaz has graced our television screen first as tortured vampire Angel on Buffy the Vampire Slayer then on the spinoff for the character Angel.

These days, Boreanaz fights evil with a badge and gun and not fangs as FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth on FOX’s Bones.  His current partner/love interest is not a perky blonde slayer but a highly intelligent forensic anthropologist, wife Dr. Temperance Brennan.

David Boreanaz’s acting talents have allowed him to portray two distinct characters on three very different television series without skipping a beat.  As a longtime Boreanaz fan, I knew I would follow him on whatever project his career path took. So upon the cancellation of Angel, I started watching Bones.  For the past 11 seasons, I have watched the character of Seeley Booth grow.  Like Angel, Booth has some skeletons in his past and demons he has to wrestle.  For Angel, it was all the blood on his fangs from the countless victims he killed as a vampire. And for Booth, it is the memories of being a soldier and fighting a gambling addiction.

It’s rare for an actor to go from having a lead role on three television series without a hiatus in their career. David Boreanaz is one of those fortunate actors.  I applaud Boreanaz for showing viewers his talents for almost three decades and I have no doubt that regardless of how long Bones airs on television, Boreanaz’s career will continue to soar.

Bones airs Thursdays 8/7c on FOX.

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