Four Game of Thrones Actors Who Are Also Musicians


As a Game of Thrones fan I have followed a few of the actors on Twitter and have discovered that quite a few of them are established musicians as well. For my first article with Talk Nerdy With Us I decided to share their music. Each artist has their own unique style. So there is something for all types of music lovers.


Kristian Nairn, a club DJ, has been trotting the globe with his Rave of Thrones concerts. You can find out more about him and where to see him live here.


The Natalia Tena fronted band Molotov Jukebox is a fun alternative pop band. You can find out more about the band and where to see them here.

Grey Worm

Jacob Anderson, known to his fans as Raleigh Ritchie, is straight R&B with Hip Hop influences. You can find out more about him and where to see him here.

Ramsay Bolton/Snow

Iwan Rheon is a singer/songwriter with a very laid back vibe. You can find out more about his music here.

You can also follow all four artists on Twitter to find out more about them and their music.

Kristian Nairn

Natalia Tena

Raleigh Ritchie

Iwan Rheon

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