The lads in question Augie (Joey Morgan), Carter (Logan Miller) and Ben (Tye Sheridan) are celebrating Augie getting his coveted condor badge with a camping trip. Though Augie is really excited about this achievement, Ben and Carter are there just to support their friend since they are tired of being scouts and want out. They are teenage boys so they’ve outgrown ‘scoutdom’ and want to have other fun … that includes girls. So, they leave a sleeping Augie at the campsite and sneak off to a local high school party.
Unfortunately, due to a freak accident at a neighboring lab, the town becomes ‘Night of the Living Dead’ with zombies, zombies everywhere. Ben and Carter meet Denise (Sarah Dumont), a super sexy badass cocktail waitress who knows her way around a shot-gun (zombies beware!). So scouts or not, the boys are now zombie soldiers.
Carter tries to make light of the situation to cover his fear with a series of lame, crude jokes that will probably offend anyone over the age of eighteen. But this is a horror comedy movie targeted towards teens and young adults, so anyone older, be warned.
Since Ben and Carter are scouts, they seem the only ones capable of saving the town from the zombies. Well, besides Denise and a popular girl named Chloe (Niki Koss). Although it’s great that the girls in Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse are capable of handling the weapons needed to save their lives, the movie still seems to play homage to many stereotypes when it comes to women in horror movies. Even the zombie women fall prey to the stereotypes, showing their zombie cleavage, taking the danger out of the situation in those scenes. Chloe is the female character to cheer on. She’s smart, a great fighter and takes charge of the situation.
Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse tries to deliver the message that friendship is the most important thing and without your friend, you’re lost. Or zombie chow. There are some predictable moments in the film and depending on your definition of scary, the funny moments far outweigh the horror ones. But again, the movie is a horror comedy so expect the funny moments to balance with the scares.
I wouldn’t necessarily call Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse the greatest horror movie ever made. Or even the greatest horror comedy movie ever made but it is a movie that will make you forget everything else while you’re watching. You’ll either enjoy it or hate it but either way, it’ll have you thinking, laughing and screaming a little.