Lost in Space: SyFy cancels “Defiance”

defiance s3e12 nolan on omec ship

On the heels of Dominion’s cancellation comes yet another kick to the gut from the SyFy Network; there will be not be another season for our beloved Defiance. As a fan of sci-fi shows that get it right, I can say that I’m now exhausted of the roller coaster. After three seasons of growing a loyal and devoted fan base, SyFy announced yesterday that they would not be renewing Defiance. The costs associated with producing a quality sci-fi show can quickly skyrocket a series out of affordability range and it seems, in addition to a decrease in viewership (but increase in fan base), that this is what happened with Defiance.

This is disheartening and you can guarantee that I’ll be among the Defiant Few who will sign one of several petitions that will crop up within the next few days, but that will ultimately end up going nowhere, calling for the network to renew the show for a true proper final season or for one of another dozen networks to pick it up – possibly Netflix? I mean, they’re picking everyone up, right? Matt Ryan’s Constantine is going to be on Arrow next week. They can do something like that, right? I wouldn’t hold my breath. I want to, but then I’ll get all blue in the face and ultimately pass out from oxygen deprivation.

For three seasons, Defiance followed Joshua Nolan and his adopted Irathient daughter Irisa as they settled in a dystopian city-state known as Defiance, site of the truce between humans and an alien collective known as the Votans. There, Nolan became the city’s Lawkeeper, and later it’s general in a war with several alien purists looking to wipe humanity from the face of the Earth and, near the end of Season 3, add them to the menu at the local alien diner. Season 3 ended with Irisa as the town’s new Lawkeeper and Nolan jetting off into outer space as captain of his very own spaceship. Looking back, it’s as if the writers and producers knew this would be the end.

It remains to be seen if the Defiance MMO will follow suit. As it stands, Trion continues to update the game with new patches and guns, but no new expansions. However, the game has not yet made the transition to current generation consoles and has remained comfortably on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. Right now, with the TV series’ cancellation, the odds that the game will continue to be supported look bleak as well.

The series was produced by Paul M. Leonard, Michael Nankin, and Anupam Nigan for NBC Universal Television by Five and Dime Productions. Executive producers for the show include Scott Stewart, Rockne S. O’Bannon, Kevin Murphy, and Michael Taylor.

I’ll see you in Jackson, Ark Hunters.

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