Author’s note: The events that take place haven’t happened on any of the CW shows.
Rebecca Bunch is excited. She’s having a Halloween Bash and has invited many of the new people she met since her arrival on October 12. She opens the door to find Jane Villanueva holding her new baby boy, Mateo dressed as the sweetest little angel. In a corner by herself, Liv Moore thinks ‘these snacks suck’ before pulling out a bottle of hot sauce. Paula barely made it to the party as her purse was almost stolen. Fortunately, the brave guy dressed as a green clad Robin Hood, complete with arrows, stopped the mugger.
“More food’s here”, Rebecca shouts as Barry Allen arrives with extra bags of chips, pretzels, cheese curls and other assorted party favorites. It was so nice of him to offer to go to the store, but how did he make it back so fast? Rebecca wonders.
“How you doing?” Dean Winchester asks a pretty girl dressed as a model, who even appears to be practicing her runway walk. She has an important judging tomorrow and if she does well, she could win the competition and become a Top Model. Meanwhile, Dean’s younger brother, Sam is focusing on the two gentleman dressed as Draculas. “We’re hiding in plain sight,” Damon tells his brother Stefan defending their costume choices. Sam is suspicious of the thick, red liquid they pour from their flasks. Blood? No, it couldn’t be.
Klaus and Elijah can’t believe how tacky Damon and Stefan are nor how boring this party is. But then again, the best costume bashes happen in New Orleans. Although there are a lot of people in attendance, the number isn’t as large as Rebecca hoped. She realizes it’s okay. As long as you are enjoying yourself, the rate of success doesn’t depend on large numbers. Like Halloween, it’s about having fun.
Happy Halloween CW Fans!