Great news, Rocky Horror Picture Show fans! This Halloween, HBO NOW is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the cult classic with the first-ever RHPS Midnight Streaming. As part of this campaign, HBO NOW will rely on its social media followers to capture the spirit of the film’s long history of midnight screenings, which typically involve fans dressing up and acting out their favorite scenes. Fans all over the country can log in to HBO NOW with a free 30-day trial subscription at midnight ET on Halloween and live-tweet their own midnight streaming.
In order to make this midnight streaming memorable, HBO NOW encourages fans to not only dress up but be creative about adapting the film’s iconic participation cues to social media. For example, fans could create their own gifs and videos to celebrate their favorite songs or translate popular lyrics from the movie into emojis. The goal of this unique experience is to have fun and connect with others, so creativity is a must.
Fans who want to participate in this live midnight streaming should tag #RHPS40 on Twitter Halloween night starting at midnight ET, and the @HBONOW Twitter account will retweet the best posts uploaded throughout the night! To get fans in the spirit, HBO NOW has created the following trailer and emojii videos. Enjoy!
HBO NOW: The Rocky Horror Picture Show 40th Anniversary
HBO NOW: The Rocky Horror Picture Show “Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch-a, Touch Me”
HBO NOW: The Rocky Horror Picture Show “The Time Warp”
HBO NOW: The Rocky Horror Picture Show “Sweet Transvestite”