Fandom Speaks: Top Things Jane the Virgin Fans Are Talking About

After this week’s episode of Jane the Virgin, there are literally two topics that fans of the show are talking about. The first is their sentiment regarding the reveal last night that Petra is pregnant.

What does the fandom think of this twist?

“Noooooooo!!! Not Petra! Why did they have to go there?”

That’s right. It seems to be a very universal thought among viewers. No one wants to imagine Petra as a mother and most aren’t quite sure why Petra as a character is still around.

Of course, after that, the central focus of the fandom is right where the episode seemed to want it: on the Michael, Jane, Rafael love triangle.

Bachelorette Jane stepped into the picture and tried to help our heroine come to some sort of conclusion about which male in her life she prefers. The fandom, surprisingly, seems pretty well divided between Michael the nice guy and Rafael the former playboy. Truly, these characters have been developed in such a way that they are both likeable and yet real. They’ve both made mistakes. They’ve both recognized their mistakes, apologized, and have tried to learn from those mistakes and move on.

Some are convinced that while they are “Team Michael,” that Jane will inevitably end up with Rafael while others are “Team Rafael” and are convinced that Jane will end up with Michael or someone else altogether.  And then, as always, there is a large contingency of viewers who are just anti love triangle and want the whole thing to be put to an end so they can move on.

Which camp are you in? Are you Team Michael? Team Rafael? Or Team “Move On Already”?

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