Fandom Speaks: The Vampire Diaries Edition

This week there are two overwhelmingly consistent sentiments in the Tumblr tag for The Vampire Diaries. If you watched the episode, you can likely guess what they are.
Caroline’s engaged? It MUST be to Stefan. (pause) WHAT?!?! She’s NOT engaged to Stefan? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
There are so many recycled plotlines. It’s ridiculous. Nobody ever stays dead. It’s a show about vampires but there are literally no STAKES for the characters anymore. It’s time to let this show die.
Which camp are you in? Are you a diehard forever fan who will stick with this show to the very end (whenever that may be?) Or are you a former fan who’s had enough and just wants to see the show you used to love put to rest?
Sound off in the comments with your replies!