Exclusive Interview with Below Deck’s Eddie Lucas


Talk Nerdy With Us recently chatted with Bosun Eddie Lucas to discuss season 3 of Bravo’s hit show Below Deck. Eddie has been the only cast member (excluding Captain Lee) who’s been featured in all three seasons! Keep reading to find out what Eddie had to say about this seasons drama.

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This being your third season, what makes you want to come back each year? What’s it like being the only cast member to be featured on Below Deck all three season excluding Captain Lee?

Well, I really enjoy coming back and spending some time in the Caribbean while it is winter back home. But the show is also a great adventure sometimes that I can consider to be personally challenging.  When things go well it can be very rewarding, but since everything is going against you to fail (because that makes good TV) it is a very difficult challenge. I am really honored to be brought back for a third season, I owe it all to the fans who want to see me come back. So thank you! 

Do you have a favorite cast that you’ve worked with?

I really have enjoyed working with a lot of the casts, definitely not all of them, but Lee, Ben and Dave have been my favorites. 

Is the food better this season or do you miss Chef Ben’s cooking? 

I miss Ben’s cooking. Leon is a great chef, very talented, but he doesn’t feed the crew like Ben did. Ben spoiled us sometimes, and I really miss that. 

How much of the year do you personally spend working on a boat? 

When I go back home after working on the show I go back to working on tug boats in Baltimore harbor. I work a two-week on, one week off schedule. So I am almost always on a boat. 

What do you in your free time when you’re on land?

When I get free time, which is rare, you can almost always find me back on the water fly-fishing. Baltimore has some world-class trout fishing on the gunpowder river and it is my favorite place to relax and get my head straight.

This season has shown a lot more of your personal drama, what has that been like seeing it on-screen? Are you still with Amy? 

Well to be honest I really hate that they are showing my personal drama, I never wanted that to be part of the show. I don’t think it is fair either to Amy because she never wanted to be part of this show, she certainly never signed up, and to have her personal problems aired is really not fair to her. With that being said Amy and I are working very hard to work on our problems and get back to the nurturing and happy relationship that we had for many years. 

Will we one day see you as captain of the Below Deck ship? 

Maybe one day if Lee retires. (Laughs).

Have you met anyone from this season before (minus previous season cast mates)?

No, when I met them all at the beginning of the season that was the first time.

Do you keep in touch with anyone from the previous seasons?

Yeah I keep in touch with Kelley and Dave occasionally. Captain Lee and I talk regularly and we will always meet up when in the same area. 

What episode or charter are you most excited for fans to see this season?

From this point on all you see is my downfall so it is tough for me to say what I am “most excited” for with the remainder of the season.

Our site is called Talk Nerdy With Us, so what do you “nerd out” about?

I nerd out big time when it comes to sunglasses. I always have to have sunglasses, and I don’t mess around with cheap glasses. (Laughs). I always go for my favorite which are Cost Del Mar sunglasses. They are the best optics for life on the water, and they’re cool. 


Below Deck airs Tuesdays at 9pm on Bravo.

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