Arrow Fandom Speaks: To Ship or Not to Ship

Checking in on Tumblr today after last night’s episode, one attention-grabbing topic that seemed to be getting batted around quite a bit was shipping. The interesting thing about it, though, was that the discussion didn’t involve the typical ‘ship wars’ that tend to come along with fandom on a regular basis. Instead, it appeared to be a debate more about the subject of shipping itself than anything else.
Many fans of Arrow are also huge fans of the ‘Olicity’ pairing. It was the dynamic between Oliver and Felicity that drew them in and kept them cheering for the two to get together for the past three seasons and now that they are a couple, the cute and tender moments between them are a highlight of the shippers’ experience of the show.
However, there are also those on the other side of the fandom who feel that ‘Olicity’ is ruining the show. At least for them. The relationship is taking too much screen time they say. And this isn’t what Arrow is supposed to be about.
Keeping fans happy is never an easy thing to do. Giving them what they want can lead to apathy on the one hand and disdain on the other. Will the viewers keep watching once they’ve gotten what they want? Do they really want what they say they want or do they want something else entirely, something even they don’t know that they want? Will those who don’t want what many are asking for still watch if they perceive their wishes as being ignored?
It’s often difficult for fans on both sides of the fence to understand the types of decisions that showrunners and writers have to make every day. Overall, though, at least in this case, it appears that those who aren’t on board with the good ship Olicity are thankfully not throwing hate at those involved with the show. They are simply stating that they would like to see less of the relationship and more of the comic book character that they love.
What do you think? Which side are you on? Is there too much Olicity love at this point? Is their character arc, their relationship taking up too much screen time? Or are you as in love with them as they are with each other?
Oh…and Oliver is running for Mayor.
“Overall, though, at least in this case, it appears that those who aren’t on board with the good ship Olicity are thankfully not throwing hate at those involved with the show. They are simply stating that they would like to see less of the relationship and more of the comic book character that they love.”
Check the official Facebook page for counter-example.
I think many fans don’t realize that the “shippers” are also able to see the show as a whole, sometimes clearer than anyone else because of how meticulous they are in the understanding of the characters. You’re not blinded by your expectations from the comics. You started enjoying a certain relationship because of it unfolded on your screen not because it was pre-established by different writers many years ago. That’s something to be said.
In the end, it would be a much better experience for everyone if they spent as much time talking about what they love instead of what they hate. That’s how you get your message across.
I think they handle olicity pretty well this season, I see them more as partner who are in love with each other, from what I saw last episode everyone seems to have a big role in every eps, not just for a support for some character
Olicity believe in each other, they tell each other their problems, they communicate like a real couple, the only problem, they are not comic canon
While canon comic couple, they lie to each other, have trust issue and yes even the cheating part is based on comic canon
If I have to choose, I prefer to see a balance relationship than never ending drama.