It’s Morphin’ Time Again: New Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Comic Series to be Released

Go, Go Power Rangers!

If you grew up in the ’90s, it’s a sure bet that you’re familiar with the theme song for the Power Rangers.  You also had a favorite whether it was the Red, Pink, Yellow, Blue, Black or Green Ranger.

Created by Saban Entertainment, the Power Rangers franchise has endured over two decades with countless television versions.  The original  Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers aired from 1993 to 1995 and had a feature film adaptation in 1996.  It is regarded by some as one of the most popular kids television show of all time.

Now, Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers is returning as a comic series.  Boom! Studios has announced that the series will debut in January.

Kyle Higgins of Batman Eternal and Nightwing fame will be the series writer.   It is unknown at this time the identity of the comic series artist.  An announcement will be made at a later date.

Boom! Studios may be hoping that (now) parents who were fans of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers will want to introduce the series they loved to their children.  The comic series should develop a huge following with a new generation of Rangers enthusiasts.

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