Emmy Predictions 2015: A Discussion

What do you think of the predictions for Best Drama Series? Who do *you* think will win?

Erica:  I’ve never seen Mad Men.  In fact, I’ve only seen three of the nominees.  For me, I’m gonna go with Game of Thrones.

AJ:  I’ve seen Game of Thrones and Orange Is the New Black, and I’ve seen Homeland and House of Cards by proxy (my husband and mom were watching them while I was doing something else, so I only half paid attention), so I can only speak for those, but I think Orange Is the New Black could be a surprise win, though Game of Thrones does do quite well.
Erica:  I love Orange is the New Black but this latest season was definitely weak compared to the others. At least for the first half.
AJ:  It started out slowly, granted, but the build-up and finale were fantastic.
Erica:  True. The finale was the best so far. Looking over the list of comedy nominees, I’ve only seen The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. Well, and a couple of episodes of Modern Family but I couldn’t get into that one.
AJ:  I’ve seen Silicon Valley and The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. While I loved The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, I don’t think it’s a real contender. Silicon Valley, though, was well done. Has anyone seen any of the others?

Erica:  I don’t think Kimmy is a real contender, either. It’s cute and quirky more than it is smart comedy.

AJ:  The same with Jane Krakowski’s performance. I don’t think she’ll get the win, and as much as I loved Titus Burgess in the show I think it will most likely go to one of the other nominees as well.

Erica:  True.  I would LOVE to see Tatiana Maslany win for best actress in a drama series but she’s been passed over for nominations so many times that I’m not sure the likelihood of her getting it.

AJ:  I just don’t understand why she was snubbed the first two seasons. Her talent is obvious. Each character has her (or in one case, his) own personality and mannerisms. There is no doubt which character is which, even when they “switch places” to cover for another one of them. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such amazing range from one person.

Erica:  Exactly!!!  She deserves it. Whether she wins or not, she definitely deserves it.
Michele:  I would love GoT to win.  This season especially the finale were worth it for me.  I’ve heard Tatiana is quite good.  I wonder why she hasn’t been nominated either.  But I think the race is between Viola Davis and Taraji P. Henson. Viola has been amazing this year in HTGAWM but there is something that is telling me there Taraji may upset.  All of those nominees deserve a shot. But my guess it’ll be Taraji. Orange is the New Black was a little slower pace this season. I agree. And Homeland for me this season was just meh. It’s GoT. I will say I’m very happy at Kyle Chandler being nominated for BLOODLINE what an amazing show this is!  It’s between him, Jeff Daniels and Bob Oderdink.  I would love it if Kyle won. This character was a departure for him. But I think it’ll go to either Bob or Jon Hamm. I loved Lily Tomlin in Frankie and Grace too.  What a great series that is. But I also adore Amy Schumer and Amy Poehler.  This is a tough one.  Can I plead the fifth?

Jenni:  My pick for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series is a toss-up between Uzo Aduba and Joanne Froggatt. Joanne has amazing acting chops (hello, that rape storyline!) but I feel Uzo had a better arc.

AJ:  I’m not familiar with any of the Lead Actor/Actress in a comedy performances, so I’ll bow out of that discussion. Lead actor in a drama I’ve only seen Kevin Spacey’s performance, and that show really didn’t wow me. I thought Lena Heady’s performance was good, but was it better than the other nominees? I’m not sure, but I think if it came down to her and Emilia Clarke she would be the top, but just barely. Peter Dinklage had an amazing season. He could potentially win for best supporting for Game of Thrones. I’d like to see Mayim Bialik win for best supporting actress in a comedy, but she’s up against some stiff competition. As for Best Variety Show, hands-down I’m going with Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. I know the Colbert Report is probably going to beat it, but I just think Last Week Tonight has more impact globally. That’s the extent of my knowledge of the nominees lol

Jenni:  I hate that every single year Modern Family is predicted to win (and usually does) for Best Comedy Series. I’d like to see Louie or Parks & Rec win. And since this was P&R’s final season, maybe throw them a bone?

Erica: Honestly, what is so great about Modern Family that it always wins?

Michele:  I like the show, but I don’t get it. The ensemble works well though. I would love to see Parks and Rec win!!! As for Best Supporting Actress. Hmmm. It’s a three-way to me between Uzo, Emilia and Lena. This is a tough one. I’m going with Lena. She has been so wonderful in this role. A close second to Emilia.

Erica:  I’m gonna go with Uzo there. And Peter Dinklage for the men.
Michele:  As for best supporting actor?  Peter Dinklage all the way. He never disappoints. He’s just a joy to watch every week that I go through Dinklage withdrawals. Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy. I love Mayim! But I have a feeling it’ll be Julie Bowen. Best variety talk show…they may give it to Stewart since this was his last year, but I love John Oliver. Best Variety Sketch series: Drunk History. Best Miniseries: Olive Kitteridge For best TV movie: if Bessie doesn’t get this award!  LOL. What a great film!  Just fantastic acting from everyone especially Queen Latifiah. Best Actress in a mini series or a movie? My pick is Queen Latifiah. Hands down. Flawless performance. Best lead actor in a comedy series. Ok, I’m an Anthony Anderson fan. I’d love for him to get this. But I bet it goes to either Tambor or Macy.
Erica:  I can’t watch Game of Thrones without hearing “Peter Dinklage. Peter  Dinklage” to the tune of the theme song. I saw it done ONCE on a YouTube video and it comes to mind every time I see him now. I want Mayim for Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy. I don’t watch variety shows so I can’t really answer to that one. I’m not familiar with any of the miniseries or TV movies so I have NO clue. And pretty much the rest I’m equally clueless about.
AJ:  So there you have it, folks. We’ve made our predictions, but who will the real winners be?
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