Countdown to Arrow: 7 days

Alright Arrow fans. The long, agonizing hiatus of Arrow will be over in just a few more days. Excited? Of course you are!

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been given a handful of extended trailers, sneak peek clips, and hot promotional pictures for Season 4!

So what can you expect from Season 4, given all that we’ve received? Let’s review!

  1. A more domestic Olicity.
  2. An interrupted proposal thanks to Thea and Laurel.
  3. Damien Darkh isn’t as subtle as he seems. Be very afraid.
  4. A reconciliation between Oliver and Diggle. I will ship that bromance forever.
  5. Badass-ness from Felicity, Thea and Laurel.
  6. More villains trying to ruin Starling City.
  7. Michael Holt aka Mr. Terrific!
  8. Diggle’s new suit.
  9. Team Arrow’s new lair/hang out spot this season.
  10. Oliver Queen fighting to save his city and the people that he loves. Also, he’s finally the GREEN ARROW now!

Catch the season 4 premiere of Arrow, October 7th at 8/7c only on the CW!

You don’t want to miss it. Sinceriously. *Spoken in Stephen’s Amell’s voice*



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