Episode 3 of Twinning was full of tough competition, backstabbing and cat fights to rival any other reality show.
The double down challenge was extremely tough as it tested the twins mental and physical endurance. They basically had to hold onto a rope while suspended in mid-air. The last four sets holding on the longest rewarded with a pass to go between the blue and green houses for reunions with their twins.
Sisters Ji and Le are annoyed when they lose the challenge and the chance to spend some time together. They have words with Kristina and Kamila, which leads to a brawl that has to be broken up by other members in the house.
When it’s time to vote for the two sets that will be competing in the twin-off, it comes to a big surprise to Ji and Le (and probably to some viewers) when they escape the twin-off.
The biggest shock, however, is that twins Roxanne and Nicole are voted to face Annamarie and Ginamarie (less of a shock as the guys in the house admit that they see the Maries as a threat). Annamarie is heartbroken that her “friend” Cory basically stabbed her in the back with his vote. Cory was continuing his “keep your friends close” strategy.
Once again, Team Leopardy proves their twinstinct is strong when they win the twin-off for the second week in a row and Roxanne and Nicole are sent packing.
Will Ji and Le and Kristina and Kamila’s rivalry again turn physical? Will Cory and Adam’s plan help them win the competition? And can Annamarie and Ginamarie avoid another twin-off?
For the answers to these and others questions, tune into the next episode of Twinning.