Is the Twin bond healthy?

Twins have an unusually close bond from the moment they are born.

But how healthy is that bond? Some experts would argue that being too close may border on co-dependence. As the reality competition Twinning has shown, the twin duos seem to have very strong connections with each other.

Twins Skyler and Spencer have stated that prior to the competition, they hadn’t been apart for more than twelve hours. Twins Annamarie and Ginamarie have won two twin-offs that tested their ability of how well they knew each other.  And several of the other twin sets have indicated that they feel at a lost without their twin.

Following the advice of experts, some parents have encouraged their twins to focus on separate interests as well as making friendships outside of their twin.

The debate over whether twins should spend more time apart may never have a correct answer. Closeness equals Co-dependence seems to be an issue that will never be medically proven.

In the meantime, viewers can enjoy experiencing that special bond on Twinning.

Twinning airs Wednesdays at 10/9 c on VH1.

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