Before you started filming, did you read Lily Koppel’s book, Astronaut Wives Club?
“I did read the book. After I had been cast, I hadn’t read it prior, but once I’d been cast, the first thing I did was go to Amazon and get her book and really familiarize myself with not just Marge’s story, but also the world in which these women were living. As we’ve said, the show is based on her book, not necessarily based on the real events that have happened. So it’s certainly important for me to be familiar with that particular story.”
Is this the first project you’ve worked on where you’re portraying a historical figure?
“Yeah…I think it is. This is a really fantastic question, but I’ve never been asked it so I’ve never thought about it. But, yeah it is. So there’s a whole other mentality that goes behind that, ideas that come into play when you’re playing a character who actually lived, and also lived not that long ago. Unlike playing a historical figure like Marie Antoinette or someone lived many many years ago, there are people alive today who knew Marge. Her son, Kent Slayton, is still alive. So there’s certainly a responsibility that I have felt in making sure that the portrayal is…it’s hard to say accurate because so little of who she was was actually documented, so not necessarily being an accurate portrayal but more of a portrayal that would make her proud if she were still alive and a portrayal that people who knew her would feel was an honoring of her life versus in any way a mockery or an exploitation of her life. And I hope that that’s what I’ve done.”
Absolutely. I obviously didn’t know her, but it doesn’t feel like an exploitation.
“I like to think that Marge would like the way she’s being portrayed as having a bit of sass, a bit of class, not putting up with anybody’s crap.”
From the beginning, I’ve thought Marge was one of the characters who really stands out. In an ensemble with seven women, not every episode can feature every character, but Marge’s personality has really come through from the beginning.
“I feel the exact same way. When I read the script in January of 2014, the head of casting at ABC said ‘There’s a couple of characters I think you’d be right for, pick which one you want to audition for.’ Immediately, it was never a question, it was always Marge that I knew I was going to respond to the most. And I think that’s really important when you do have, as you said, a cast of seven women, and let’s face it, it’s a cast of seven white women, it’s difficult to distinguish yourself because there physically aren’t a lot of defining characteristics right off the bat. [Marge’s personality] really has come through in the writing, which I think is there, we have a fantastic writing team.
And then also, Eric Damon, our costume designer did a beautiful job of really working with me. My body shape is different from some of the other girls and he found a way to really take every woman and make her the most beautiful for her shape and size. I think that’s really important because part of Marge’s appeal is in the way that she dresses, and the way that I dressed affected the way that I walked and the way that I walked affected the way that I stood and the way that I stood did affect the way that the words would come out of my mouth. And then the way the words came out of my mouth would affect the expression on my face. The wardrobe really does so much. People see a period show and they say ‘oh it must’ve been so much fun wearing all those clothes.’ Well, it’s not. It’s not fun at all. You’re wearing corsets and they’re tight and it’s often old material that’s not necessarily comfortable, but it’s beautiful to wear. And it really helps inform that character. I certainly give Eric Damon so much credit for really helping me find Marge’s true essence.”
Do you have a favorite outfit that you got to wear of all of the costumes?
“One of my favorites was a tan and white polka dot dress that I was wearing by the pool when all the girls go to find Mrs. Carpenter when they say ‘hey you’re gonna need a friend.’ I have a thing for polka dots, I don’t know why, so I loved that. And then there was also a dress when we were at a fancy party and it’s red and black and it’s very form-fitting and not very long, and I’m used to wearing longer dresses, but people just went crazy over it and it made me feel very sexy and much like a vixen. So those are two that pop out, but really every day I just thought ‘Wow, you hit it out of the park, again’.”
All the couples on the show do a great job connecting to each other. Did you and Kenneth Mitchell [who plays Deke Slayton], do anything specific to get comfortable with each other?
“You know, it’s funny. I watch the show, and not to take anything away from any of the other couples, and maybe it’s because I’m obviously biased, but I think that the Marge and Deke storyline is so powerful and I think that Kenneth and I have such incredibly chemistry, not just sexual chemistry in those moments when you see them being intimate, but also the chemistry with us when we really know how to fight with one another or when we have those moments of kindness. To me, it’s really kind of heartbreaking because you really feel the love that these two people have for one another. Not just an adoration love, but really a friendship. They operate as two people who aren’t just the portrayal of a married couple being in love, but they’re just two people who wake up every morning they make coffee, they eat breakfast, they live life, they snap at each other, they may have sarcastic eye rolls to one another, but they really love each other.
Kenneth and I didn’t really do anything, I think it all happened organically when we got on set. We’d be on set and we would just try things. What’s so wonderful about Kenneth is that he has such a deep well of emotion, and he doesn’t have to say much to have so much going on. Sometimes on network television because they don’t have a lot of time, there’s so much story to tell and so little time to do it in, very rarely are actors given room to breathe in the same way you are in a cable show, for example. There’s not a lot of those delicious pregnant pauses where someone’s just holding on to a thought and trying to figure out the right way to say it before they put their foot in their mouth. And I’m really happy that in the editing process they allowed Kenneth to have a lot of those moments because he’s so good at it. He speaks volumes without even saying a word, and I feel like the scenes I did with him were some of my best. Every time we did a scene together it was so magical because sometimes you do a scene and then you finish and you go ‘oh man, that really sucked, hopefully they’ll fix it in post, because I was a steaming pile of crap in that.’ I try not to talk to myself like that too much, but you hear actors muttering, and you know when it’s a powerful scene and when it’s not. But with Kenneth, every single scene. On the way home, he would send me a really nice message saying ‘great working with you today’ and how energized he was and I always felt the same way. Even some of the other actresses. It’s funny cause as the season wore on and Kenneth would have scenes with other wives, which you’ll see later in the storyline, they’d call me and say ‘Oh my god, Kenneth is so wonderful, you’re so lucky that you’ve been able to work with him all season.’ And I go ‘I know! I have the best husband!’ I love all the guys, but Kenneth is really the only one I worked with. I don’t know what the other wives were working with but for me every day with Kenneth was an absolute blessing.”
That’s a great segue to my next question, which is: Is there anyone in the cast you didn’t get to work with much that you would have like to work with more?
“I would have loved to have scenes with Desmond Harrington. Desmond and I got along really well off camera. We lived in the same building as well as Odette Annable, Bret Harrison, Dominique McElligott, and the head of our makeup department, we all lived in the same building. And so I was with Desmond a lot, and he’s such a fascinating person in so many ways. He’s such a talented actor. I had one scene with him sort of, but I can’t give away a plot point. You’ll see later on that Marge does have an interaction with Alan Shephard. I really enjoyed my time with him, and I see the magic that he brings to the screen in every scene that he’s in and I certainly would have loved to explore that and work with him in that way. And then, Aaron McCusker became a really good friend, and I know that he and Wilson Bethel were pranksters off camera, and of course they’re phenomenal actors but in addition to that it would’ve been fun to see the humor and levity they bring to the set.”
I don’t know how much you can say, but when the show started part of what the women bonded over was their shared position as wives of men going up in space. Now, your husband, Deke, has been promoted. Is that going to change the dynamic among the women and how will that affect Marge?
“It’s not going to be a spoiler alert, because it’s not the Marge Slayton show. It’s really about all the astronaut wives and I think had there been more emphasis on Marge’s different position it would have taken the show in a direction that wouldn’t have been as conducive to the story of sisterhood and friendship that it really is. So we don’t dive too much into that. But, what we wills tart to see is Marge’s acceptance of herself. In the first couple episodes, a lot of what we explore with Marge is her insecurities, her concerns about feeling like she isn’t good enough, whether or not she belongs in this world. Also, her desperation of not knowing if her marriage is going to work and if Deke didn’t go up, all those unknowns about the future. What we’ll start to see coming up is Marge relaxing into her position a little bit more, and a newfound confidence is going to start to emerge in a really beautiful way. And that’s one of the other things in terms of Marge as a character; it’s not just that she has this rough-and-tumble past and these obstacles to get over, but the fact that she actually does come out the other end a transformed woman. For me, personally, I can relate to that on so many levels. I certainly didn’t come out to Hollywood thinking I was going to end up starring on TV shows or talking to reporters. It’s such a strange thing to even acknowledge that this is where my career has gone, but I think that’s a story so many people can relate to, being a fish out of water and feeling very unsettled and not really knowing what the future holds and then being able to look back and say ‘Wow. I really did it. I accomplished this particular task.’ Or ‘I got that promotion,’ or ‘I started out as the assistant and now I’m the boss.’ That’s a very common story hat I think people can relate to, so that’s one of the reasons why I’ve fallen in love with Marge and why I think other people are falling in love with her as well.”
Last question, is there anything you’re working on right now that your fans can look forward to seeing you in?
“Actually I just did a role on Halt and Catch Fire on AMC that just aired last week, so if anyone needs to catch up on their Halt and Catch Fire on their DVR, I did a couple of episodes of that. And right now I’m in New York, sitting in the lobby of the ABC building, waiting to go back in for my fitting, I’m working on a miniseries for ABC about the Bernie Madoff scandal, starring Richard Dreyfuss and Blythe Danner. I’ll be playing Bernie Madoff’s secretary Eleanor Squillari, who played an essential role in getting him put behind bars after she and many other people lost a lot of money. Then I’ll go back to LA and hopefully not get on a plane anytime soon, I’ve been traveling a lot. And then of course, my biggest role that I’m preparing, that’s going to be the most life-changing is Mrs. Thomas Degnan and I will be getting married next summer.”
Congratulations!! That’s wonderful.
“Yeah it’s been a really great year. All the heartache and tears over thinking I’d never find love and never be a working actor, fortunately I just had to wait til 2015 because it all came together at the same time.”