Thursday’s episode of Complications served to show all of us just how deep down the rabbit hole John has come and, with the episode ending the way it did, things seem even more likely to just get worse. Between Gretchen scamming extra money out of John and EZ’s gang to Sam and the hovering mystery of her return to a sordid love affair, Complications is becoming just that: complicated.
Jason O’Mara held a live Q&A session with fans after the episode’s conclusion and spoke about some of the things fans have been wondering. He was even asked a question or two from his fellow cast members!
In the interest of anonymity and respect for people’s privacy, I’ve chosen to simply share the questions and answers without any nod to their original posters. I will nod towards the cast and crew’s questions. I hope my readers understand. Without further ado:
“Are there any more fight scenes for John?”
Jason: “Oh yes.”
“You went from badass to caring doctor to lover in a matter of on-screen minutes. Was it complicated changing emotional levels like that?”
Jason: “Nope, it was the most fun I’ve ever had with my clothes on. Actually, it was still fun when I was naked.”
“Do you get to do many of your own stunts?”
Jason: “Most of them. Including wrestling with Beth on the kitchen counter. Also, what is wrestling again?”
“Someone tweeted that your abs should have their own hashtag. Where do you stand on this?” (This one came from Beth Riesgraf herself.)
Jason: “Only if your bare butt gets one.”
“How many episodes are in Season 1?”
Jason: “Ten. Next week is halfway.”
“What’s your favorite challenge of playing John?”
Jason: “Honestly? The medical stuff is really hard.”
“Any plans for other projects after this inaugural season?”
Jason: “I’m doing a show about a doctor who goes to work then comes home. It’s called Simplications.”
“What led you guys to choose Complications?”
Jason: “The script, character, and Matt Nix. It was an irresistible package. Also, John’s flaws. I enjoy playing characters who are only just about holding on.”
“Glad to see John begin the healing with Sam. Will he finally be open about what he’s been up to?”
Jason: “Of course he will and he must… Eventually.”
“Favorite scene you’ve done?”
Jason: “There’s a great scene with Beth and another doozy with Jessica – both in future episodes.”
“Starting a kickstarter for Team Kyle. Want to contribute?” (From Mike Horowitz)
Jason: “I’ll contribute a right hook to Kyle’s jaw. Not to be confused with Tim Peper (who plays Kyle) who is awesome.”
“What’s in store for us next week?”
Jason: “Things get intensier. Yes, intensier. It’s a word.”
And that’s it! Hope everyone enjoyed reading those succinct little quips from Jason O’Mara and catch is next Thursday for more Complications on USA.