Pretty Little Liars. Season 6, Episode 2. Recap. Songs of Innocence.


This week’s episode of Pretty Little Liars was about getting back to reality. No particular new puzzles being solved, expect for the fact that Andrew Campbell was caught by Toby! Well, that was fast, don’t you think? Would’ve thought they’d kept him in hiding for a teeny bit longer.

Now, back to the girls. As Aria, Spencer, Hanna and Emily try to slowly, but surely, regain their old lives. They can’t help but suffer with PTSD after being kidnapped. I don’t blame them. Lots of sh*t went on down there! Again, DAMN YOU CHARLES! Although, we did actually find out what exactly Charles did to them. He…he…tortured them to pick who to punish out of the three. Imagine having to sit in a room with the worst sirens going off and you’re forced to pick who could get water for that day (as Hanna described). If you didn’t pick just ONE, Charles would make all three of them suffer instead. Wow, how hard and traumatizing that must have been.

So here are how our Liars began to come to terms with being back home again:

Aria- Aria decides to actually lie to the detective about Andrew. She says that she saw him in A’s Lair while they were trapped. She claims that he is behind the mask, but really never saw him there. She only said it out of anger and fear of him. The thought of Andrew Campbell being a perpetrator is hitting her most, because she was the one that actually spent some time with him, not mention shared a kiss as well. Major oops.
Spencer- Spencer’s mother decided to not let her have any anxiety pills due to her past history with abusing pills. Thus leading to Spencer being all sleep deprived and desperate for some pills to give her a knock out!

Hanna- Hanna seems to be the most petrified of them all. After surviving through a horrific nightmare, and being forced to stay in a copy cat room just like hers…she wasn’t having it being back in her old room again. She gave her room a little makeover. I would do the same too. I’m surprised the other girls didn’t change up their rooms.
Emily- Emily began to deal with her emotions in a slightly different way than the rest. She decided to steal her father’s gun that was kept for safe keeping and went to the shooting range. After all they’ve been through, I think Emily needed that, just to have an ounce of feeling safe. Instead of shooting out of anger, she was shooting out of fear.

Oh! And is it just me or was this like the first time the Liar’s parents actually did some real parenting with the girls? It was nice to see the girls separate for once and be in the comfort of their mother’s.

Mona is nowhere to be found in this episode. I bet she’s going to have a lot of explaining to do after faking her death.

And, now the Queen B of them all…Alison. She’s been wandering around to herself this episode. And meeting Toby’s new cop partner, Lorenzo. Is there possibly a love interest in store for Alison this season? Or does Lorenzo have his own agenda up his sleeve as the new character in town? Don’t they always… *smh*

Don’t miss an all new episode of Pretty Little Liars, Tuesdays at 8/7c only on ABC Family!

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