31 Times The Cast of "Chicago P.D." Redefined Squad Goals

1. When they took the most epic family photos:

2. When Marina spotted Soph on the red carpet and reacted exactly how any of us would:

3. When Linstead FINALLY happened and the cast fangirled with the rest of us:

4. When Jesse got sick, but Soph [kinda] saved the day:


5. When Burgess and Roman got caught ridin’ dirty:

6. When Burgess got shot and Paddy was just as worried as his character:

Followed by this dose of adorableness during a Q&A a few days later:

7. When Sophia, Jesse and Royce showed us how to take a proper gym selfie:

8. When Paddy and Marina were just as adorable off-screen as they are on:

9. Really anytime Paddy and Marina were themselves, actually.

10. When they live-tweeted themselves out:

11. When Sophia and Jesse ABSOLUTELY should have posted a photo from lunch yesterday:

12. When Burgess and her men went to Molly’s:

13. But Halstead wasn’t invited… and was maybe a little jealous:

14. When they smoked cigars between takes:

15. When Jesse just wanted to tweet, but Paddy just wanted to sing:

16. When Marina showed up to support Amy’s play, but was too excited to take a proper photo:

17. When Linstead took Christmas by storm:

18. When they went out for Paddy’s birthday:

19. Then Elias’:

20. Then Jesse’s:

21. When this epic group hug happened:

22. When Marina couldn’t hide how much she missed Paddy:

23. When Royce fell asleep onset:

24. When Soph posted a shot of Jesse without his permission and made ZERO apologies:

The photo, just in case you missed it the first time:

25. When we almost got the Linstead/Burzek double date of our dreams:

26. When Jon and Sophia were on two magazine covers in the same month:

27. When they went to this concert with some of their brothers and sisters from Chicago Fire:

28. When #JesseWithAPuppy happened:

29. When… this happened?

30. When the gang strolled into Monte Carlo and completely OWNED the red carpet:

31. And finally… when Marina and Jesse took a casual pic in front of this fountain and took our breaths away:

We’ve just got to face it. The cast of NBC’s Chicago P.D. is cooler than we’ll ever be.

Chicago P.D. returns Wednesdays this Fall at 10 PM Eastern/9 PM Central on NBC.

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