Book Review: "Life’s That Way" by Jim Beaver


Jim Beaver is a Renaissance man. Beaver, a versatile actor who has enjoyed a long and successful career in film television and stage, is best known for roles on Supernatural, Deadwood and Justified. He is a prolific theatre reviewer with numerous pieces in various publications. Finally, he is a talented playwright. Beaver has solidified a cherished place in Supernatural fans hearts as Bobby Singer, a skilled hunter and surrogate father to Sam and Dean Winchester (Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles) in the CW’s long running series “Supernatural”. As a Supernatural fan, I was curious to read Jim Beaver’s memoir “Life’s That Way”.

Beaver was married to Cecily Adams, an actress and casting director. Their daughter, Maddie was born in 2001. Shortly after Maddie was diagnosed with Autism, the Beavers faced devastating news:  Cecily was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer. The book began as Beaver’s desire to keep family and friends informed of Cecily’s condition.

In “Life’s That Way”, Beaver threads numerous emails that he assembles into a poignant tapestry of strength. Beaver’s legacy as accomplished actor will live on through his impressive body of work. With Life’s That Way, he has left a gut wrenching yet powerfully inspiring legacy of hope and compassion amidst unspeakable loss. His words establish a special connection with the reader who can identify with great loss. As important, “Life’s That Way” is a testament to courage and strength.

“Life’s That Way” vividly portrays the swirl of emotions (anger, fear and helplessness) that a person facing a great tragedy must confront. Yet, beneath Beaver’s words, a powerful undercurrent of hope emerges. His daughter Maddie, a beautiful reflection of his love for his late wife, gives him the strength to journey towards the future.

I highly recommend “Life’s That Way”. I commend Jim Beaver in writing an enduring book that highlights the grieving process and illustrates the resilience of the human spirit in the face of fate’s cruel hand.

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