Review: Programmable Animal ‘Together’

Programmable Animal — the Illinois-based sextet — combine Industrially Progressive elements with an Ambient feel to create an energy and atmosphere all their own. With the self-release of their new EP ‘Together’ the band demonstrates that cohesiveness in full, and the end result is one worth listening to.
The opening (and title) track lifts the curtain with heavy distortion offset by bright — almost cheerful — keys. The contrasting dynamic created as a result of this intermingling provides a certain duality that — contrary ideology notwithstanding — surprisingly works.
‘Please’ opens with a chunky bass line, which — when combined with the equally distorted guitars and textured keys — establishes a melancholic mood that’s further driven home by the dingy, gloom-laden vocals of Anthony Wonaitis. ‘Please’ has a distinct aura that brings to mind vintage Trent Reznor…and that’s never a bad thing.
The rest of the EP is an Odyssey into the ill-lit catacombs of the conscious mind — a magnum opus of the mercurially morbid — in all its grisly glory. Now, if one is reluctant to embark on such an Odyssey for fear of returning worse for wear, one needn’t worry. The true genius of Programmable Animal lies in their ability to take an otherwise dark atmosphere and enrich it with a certain luminous quality — an alluring air made manifest amid the depths of despair. Programmable Animal are fearless in their pursuit, never losing sight of their message, and it’s this uncompromising sense of avant-garde individualism that resonates throughout.
Stream/Purchase ‘Together’ here: