Nashville 2×04 Recap – You’re No Angel Yourself

Have you ever lost something, but not realized you were missing it until you found it? That’s how I felt about Deacon this week. The story involving Maddie’s paternity has progressed so organically that I didn’t even notice how Deacon was being taken from me. I had forgotten that a large part of what I loved about Nashville was Rayna’s brooding guitar player. Throughout most of the first season Deacon was the show’s moral rock. Even as people around him were making bad decisions, Deacon’s head was always screwed on straight. He knew how to be a friend to Juliette but also when to tell her she was over the line. He knew how to protect Scarlett for those scummy guys he was on tour with. He knew how to be a friend to Rayna even when he was pining after her and watching her live the life he’d always dreamed of. And then it all fell apart. And though I knew in my head that Deacon had been a good man before all of the paternity drama, I kind of forgot how good. You’re No Angel Yourself helped me remember.
I spent so much time hoping for Deacon and Rayna to find a way to be together that I didn’t even realize that how much I was developing a love for Deacon as an individual. What I know now is that my ultimate hope for Deacon is not to be with Rayna, but just to be happy. Watching him with his attorney turned dinner date I felt more strongly than ever that Rayna is not right for him. Their chemistry is undeniable and their history is significant, but as far as addictions and triggers go, Rayna is bad news. Seeing Deacon returned to his former glory made this my favorite episode of the season so far. I’m looking forward to seeing him explore this new relationship as well as the one that’s bound to come with Maddie.
Speaking of characters I’ve missed, I’m still holding out for the return of the old Gunnar. I recognize that grief changes people and it seems legitimate that he wouldn’t be exactly the same, but I’m over the moping. That may not be a fair thing to say, but as a viewer, I just want to get to spend time with the Gunnar I got to know in the earlier days of Nashville. I’m so so so glad to hear him writing music and singing again and I’m happy to know he won’t be letting Will use his song. I’m hopeful he’ll find a way to be happy soon and then the rest will fall into place.
Meanwhile, it turns out Juliette has her most poignant moments when she’s hanging out with Maddie Conrad. I love these scenes where Juliette seems truly vulnerable and you remember that she had no real childhood and that there is no one left in her life to love her the way all people need to be loved. It helps to understand some of her bad behavior and makes her seem like less of an overall monster. I also appreciated that she sent the car back to her one night stand from last week. I have this fear that that dude is going to show up again, but I’m really really hoping I’m wrong.
I was bummed there was no Avery-Juliette interaction this week. I’m thinking before the tour she’s going to have to find a way to apologize and get him back. She doesn’t want to go back on the road without him. Also, what a great solution to her problem. That new girl sings all of her old songs and will definitely rope in her tween base. Plus, now Juliette can headline without sharing the spotlight, which is what she’s always wanted.
Last thoughts:
-Not much to say about Scarlett this week. She’s clearly uncomfortable with her new fame. Not sure exactly what’s in store for her. It seems her childhood BFF, Zoey, is going to be around for a while. We’ll see what impact that has on things around Nashville.
-Will seems to have come to terms with Brent being around. How will Gunnar’s refusal to give him the song affect Will’s deal with EdgeHill?
-Tandy is convinced that Lamar played a role in her mother’s death. The evidence was circumstantial, but it was enough to make her certain that there had been a cover up. Her anger pushed her to the brink and she has sought revenge by handing over information to the Attorney General’s office that has the power to lock her father up for a long time.
-And then there’s Peggy. Oh, Peggy. You poor, poor idiot. This is not going to end well for Peggy. She seems to think that she can get pregnant again without anyone realizing it happened later than she originally claimed. There is absolutely no way for this to work for her, even if she manages to get knocked up again, which is a longshot.
-Lastly, LENNON AND MAISY. I love those girls. More, more, more!
Anything I forgot? What were your favorite moments this week?