Guys I have to say I was worried about Under the Dome for a while there. For a few episodes there it had become the show I had to watch and not the show I wanted to watch. Well I am pleased to report that “Blue on Blue” has started to change that feeling. I’m still holding on to my reservations, you understand, right? This past Sunday’s installment could have just been a fluke and the rest of the season could end up jumbled mess with no direction or resolution. But I will worry about that when the time comes.
In the meantime, the Seizure Twins failed to annoy me even one time. It was worth watching the episode just for that alone. In fact from here until the next time they annoy me I am forgoing my appointed nickname for the duo and calling them by their given names, Joe and Norrie. Whoa, that felt weird. Hold on, I need a minute.
Big Jim is seriously causing me whiplash. Is he a good guy? Is he a bad guy? A good guy who does bad things? What? I was sure I knew the answer when he didn’t let Angie go at the beginning of the hour, but then he went and let her go. Which got me to thinking he was a good guy who traveled some dark paths until he went and killed the Reverend. Granted the good Ol’ Rev was probably going to end up getting a lot of people killed in the long run, but still that wasn’t the reason Big Jim committed murder by dome. Big Jim’s got me all twisted.
And then we have Junior freaking out when he found out his captured damsel had been set free only to end up apologizing to her. So how does Angie respond? Why she freaking kisses his forehead and holds him in their “last” minutes on earth! What the hell! I’m all for forgiveness, but come on are you kidding me?!?! Angie, you in danger girl. Run.
The only part of the episode I didn’t like was the neat and tidy way they closed out the “I accidentally killed your husband because he wouldn’t make good on the money he owed” storyline between Barbie and Julia. Color me a drama queen, but I was hoping for a little more drama. A little more anything. Just a few moments ago Julia was certain she knew her husband and how he felt about her, but now we are supposed to buy it that she would believe he just abandoned her in the midst of all this? I don’t think so. Yes, I understand that he was a gambler and that he wrote the note to his sister, but I’m not buying her sudden change of heart when it comes to her belief in Peter’s love for her. Of course I don’t see why we even need to have a Barbie and Julia hook-up. Let’s defy convention and not have them hook-up. Let’s not ship the obvious.
Stray Observations of “Blue on Blue”
Isn’t it time for Alice and Carolyn to get, maybe not a bigger piece of the storyline action, but at least more than a couple of lines every other episode?
Big Jim, sweetie, your son is a psycho because you’re a bit nutso yourself. No judgements, just an observation.
I’m not advocating character deaths, but there are so many “main” characters on this show that some characters are getting pushed to the side and are running the risk of becoming pointless. Deputy Linda for example or are we officially calling her Sheriff now?
Thanks to Fringe, I find swarms of butterflies to be creepier than flocks of birds. That’s right Hitchcock, you’ve been replaced.