Teen Wolf Episode 3.05 "Frayed"

Last week, more murders occurred and Deucalion revealed his extremely impressive status as the DEMON WOLF; this episode is filled with mysterious yet tragic flashbacks and Scott gets fatally wounded. Note: This episode wasn’t in chronological order, but this recap will be, these flashbacks are too damn difficult to write.
Before the battle, Scott finds an arrow and brings it to Allison’s house; claiming that he found it at the school from the night Boyd and Cora went feral. She denies that it’s hers, but once he mentions that it’s military grade, she gives in and admits that it was her. Scott warns her that the Alpha pack is dangerous and he doesn’t want her to get hurt, she says that she can take care of herself but in a mock fight, Scott easily beats her. Scott leaves and meets Deucalion in the elevator, and prepares to fight. Deucalion, of course, is annoyingly collected, and mentions that Scott should become an Alpha himself. Scott argues that he isn’t like Deucalion and that he doesn’t have to kill people; Deucalion mentions that he actually lives in the same building as the Argents. Scott hurries to Derek’s loft only to find Cora, Boyd and Peter already there, who know that the Alphas live in the same building as the Argents. Derek says that they are planning to attack the Alphas the next night and that Scott should go with them and they need to plan a preemptive strike to kill the Alphas first but Scott argues why they always shave to resort to killing. Peter snaps out a typical snarky retort for being too “blandly moral”. Cora calls Scott a kid, but Derek points out that he saved her life and tries to convince Scott that they need to attack.
Scott then visits Deaton about the situation, and says that he doesn’t know how to save someone who doesn’t want to be saved and doesn’t know how to stop them; Deaton mentions that Scott shouldn’t stop them but lead them (more of these Scott’s-becoming-an-Alpha foreshadowing). Allison tries to convince Chris to let her fight, but mentions that “a pack of Alphas is attacking [her] friends, how [is she] supposed to stay out of that?” Chris says that in these situations you need to thread the needle, Allison snarkily mentions that it sounds like saving your own ass. Scott decides to meet Deucalion by himself but is stopped by Isaac, who insists on coming with him (wearing that sexy smirk we all love). They arrive at an abandoned mall, but Deucalion mentions that he knows that Derek is there – along with Cora and Boyd. Scott tries to talk Derek away from attacking, when Kali, Ennis and the Twins emerge as well. The battle begins, but the Alphas quickly overpower everyone and Deucalion gives Derek the decision to either kill Boyd or get Cora crushed by Kali. However, an arrow flies over Derek’s head, followed by many more familiar flash-bang arrows. The camera pans up to see a badass Allison in her typical hunter attire, smirking like the bamf she knows she is. Allison continues to fire, giving the pack enough time to regroup. Scott launches himself at Ennis, and when he gets thrown pack, he lifts up his head to reveal Alpha red eyes (cue the screaming from me), however they soon turn back to beta yellow. Derek attacks Ennis, but when Scott slashes at Ennis’ calf, the two topple over the edge and fall to their (supposed) deaths on the escalator below.
It then cuts to [the beginning of the episode] Scott and Stiles on a bus with the Beacon Hills team on their way to a meet. Isaac and Boyd are sitting up the front together, and Boyd glares at Ethan who is sitting with Danny, who is continually checking his phone. At the back, Stiles is testing Scott on words from an iPad and mentions Darach, attempting to get something out of Scott. Scott winces in pain and lifts his shirt to reveal that he’s still got a deep, bleeding gash on his side, a wound that Ennis gave him. Stiles mentions that it should have healed, but Scott argues that Alpha wounds take longer. Allison and Lydia are following behind the bus, Allison insisting that she isn’t stalking them. Ethan is listening in on Scott and Stiles’ conversation, and they wonder if Isaac and Boyd are going to attack Ethan openly on a bus. Lydia, while reading a book about thermodynamics, denies to Allison that she had any involvement with Aiden (when really there was a flashback to her and him, where she insists that he puts his hand somewhere useful). Further up the road, traffic is stalled and there is a huge back up of traffic. While this is happening, Cora and Peter meet up at the abandoned mall and discover that both Ennis and Derek’s bodies are gone. On the bus, Boyd begins to wolf out but Scott manages to calm him down.
Scott goes back to Stiles, who is worried as to why Ethan keeps checking his phone, and texts Danny to figure out what is going on with him. Danny refuses, so he sends a ridiculous amount of texts before Danny finally gives in and tells him that someone close to Ethan is sick and that he’s waiting for an update. It cuts to Dr. Deaton’s where Aiden, Kali and Ms Morrell show up with an unconscious Ennis. After a bit of threatening, Deaton reluctantly opens the gate and allows them in. Scott has been trying to call the indisposed Deaton, and Stiles decides to call Allison and Lydia, who he knows have been following them for a couple of hours. The bus pulls into a rest area after Stiles uses his power of creepy smiling to get this kid Jared to throw up, and Allison helps to get Scott into the bathroom to treat his wound. It’s infected, turning black reminiscent of Jackson’s creepy Kanima goo. Lydia believes that Scott’s wound is getting worse because he’s blaming himself for Derek’s death and that the wound is just in his mind. Lydia tells Allison that she needs to sew up the wound, and she and Stiles head outside to convince Coach to make sure the bus doesn’t leave. Allison tries to keep Scott awake as she tries to thread the needle, but her hands are shaking too much. A hallucination of her mother appears, berating her and coaching her through what to do in a tough situation. Allison manages to take control and manages to thread the needle, stitching up Scott’s wound.
Scott wakes up after the makeshift surgery and his wound has already started healing. Allison helps him to his feet, reassuring him that Derek’s death wasn’t his fault. She and Lydia go to get on the bus with Scott and Stiles as their car ran out of gas earlier, when they see Isaac violently smashing up Ethan’s face. Scott does that frankly awesome Alpha-scream of Isaac’s name, and he finally comes around when nobody else was able to control him, and they finally get back on the bus. At Deaton’s, Cora and Peter arrive to get answers from Deaton, when Peter senses the Alpha pack inside. Deaton has finished treating Ennis and he is healing, when Deucalion enters and asks about his condition. He then kisses Ennis on both cheeks, grabs his head, and crushes his skull. Aiden drags Kali outside the clinic, who is screaming so loud that car alarms sound. On the bus, Lydia and Stiles discuss the murders while Allison comforts Scott. Deaton and Morrell have a strange conversation over Ennis’ body (but when are their conversations anything but strange?), and at the school, Ms. Blake is getting back in her car when an injured Derek slams into the side of her car and collapses to the ground, covered in blood.
Personally, I found this episode to be one of the best this season, with Allison coming back into her full hunter guise and Lydia being her sassy self, Scott’s Alpha eyes and everything is starting to heat up – I’m super pumped for the next episode, so stay tuned.