If you’ve never seen Showtime’s The Borgias then starting off in the middle of the 3rd season has probably left you wondering what kind of show have you found yourself watching. It’s okay, that is a completely normal feeling to have. Especially considering that the couple of the moment are also related, Pope Alexander VI’s middle son killed his sexually diseased oldest son, and said Pope has more sexual relations than Hugh Hefner could ever dream of. So yeah what your feeling is completely normal. Except the fans of the show don’t care about any of that they love the show and so do I.
Hmmm looks like this dude knows Micheletto likes men. And so does he lol #TheBorgias
— Aisha Alexander (@IshLoVeSTV) May 27, 2013
my parents seriously just freaked out because of micheletto’s sexuality on the borgias. he’s the most badass person, so why’s it matter?!
— Faith Strollo (@faithosaurus) May 27, 2013
#theborgias will be the death of me.
— Heather Lindsay (@heatheranne_l) May 27, 2013
Oh, Micheletto. You can’t do that man like that. He wants you to love him. #TheBorgias
— Digital Tempest (@digitaltempest) May 27, 2013
Micheletto got himself a new boyfriend. I approve because look at his hair. Even Micheletto is impressed.#TheBorgias
— Digital Tempest (@digitaltempest) May 27, 2013
Lucrezia, your husband need some balls! #theborgias
— Alliebart (@aletabartley) May 27, 2013
Lucrezia really is one of the most manipulative women of this show. #theborgias
— Samuel Jervis (@saj_jervis) May 27, 2013
Yikes is Lucrezia a schemer.#TheBorgias
— Laura Steiner (@miltonlaura) May 27, 2013
The Borgias! I love the way they talk..
— Tonya Scholz (@knowaging) May 27, 2013
You don’t threaten Lucrezia and you surely don’t threaten her baby. Dude, are you trying to die? #TheBorgias
— Digital Tempest (@digitaltempest) May 27, 2013
@sbonnerabv not a fan of The Borgias?Great show instead of all this reality crap usually on Sundays 😉
— sippin’beer (@SippingBeers) May 27, 2013
WTF! ¿Catalina Sforza entrando al vaticano como si nada? O.O… Creo que esta boda será tan interesante como la Boda Roja #TheBorgias
— Aleikis (@Aleikis) May 27, 2013
A wet rag over the nose and mouth protects from the plague?! Why aren’t we doing this for the common cold?! #theborgias #historyofmedicine
— Sarah (@memyselfsarah) May 27, 2013
I can hardly stand watching a heartbroken Micholetto crying as he kills his lover/spy on The Borgias 🙁
— jillosity (@jewelalchemy) May 27, 2013
@elisabettawol @theborgias_sho this is why we need season 4, we need Cesare & Lucrezia in our lives!
— Melissa (@melissatorresd) May 26, 2013
So…..Cesare has a sniper rifle and Lucrezia is poisoning people on purpose? I love these papal, incestuous fuckers. #theborgias
— Melissa Lynnette (@MelissaLynnette) May 27, 2013
Each episode of @theborgias_sho is better than the last. I am giddy for the next episode!! #youchosethewrongbrother #ohcesare
— Shanetia Clark (@uvagradu8) May 27, 2013
Oh Cesare…You are deliciously wicked! #theBorgias
— Tara Pfaff (@Shienara33) May 27, 2013
wow so the borgias got…. real
— thomas muller (@seaworthing) May 27, 2013