New Girl – "Elaine's Big Day" 2.25


The season finale of the New Girl lived up to the rest of season two. As most shows usually do, it has found it’s groove in season two, and I honestly think it can only go up from here.

It left me with a sense of finality (unlike the Glee season ender I watched a week ago). Everything was wrapped up with a big pretty bow, but with just enough of a cliff hanger to make me excited for next season.

The episode starts out with the gang about to leave for the wedding. Nick and Jess are together, Schmidt is taking CeCe, and Nick is still feeling insecure about the whole thing with Jess’s dad, Bob.

The main plot line is the boys sabotaging CeCe’s wedding (because CeCe told Schmidt to with her eyes, but he’s doing it as a friend) and it involved a lot of laughs, but the writers intertwined it with serious conversations. Nick is originally against the pranking, but Jess thinks the opposite, and calls him out on it. Instantly, Nick shuts down. He’s like that kid, that you just have to keep encouraging, or else he’ll just give up. He decides he’ll prove her right. Suddenly Nick and Jess are chasing a badger in the air vents, whilst talking about their relationship and dropping from the ceiling into CeCe’s wedding.

CeCe admits that she really doesn’t want to marry Shivrang because she loves someone else. And thank god. Because while I may currently be considering buying a ticket for Elizabeth’s and Schmidt’s ship, there was no way I was going to hop on Shirvang and CeCe’s. And as it turns out, Shivrang doesn’t want this either. Taylor Swift makes a cameo as his lover, and she plays a great parody of herself.

They cancel the wedding and Nick and Jess have a conversation in the middle of a destructed room. You can’t help but wonder if this screwed up wedding is a metaphor for their relationship. Nick asks Jess if she has any doubts, and my heart broke when she says yes. They call it off, and I really thought that was gonna be the end of them. And as Nick sits at the bar, Winston (who by the way kinda needs an ambulance – the badger got him, although that was kind of an afterthought in this episode) comes in and shakes him out of it. Winston tells Nick he’s being an idiot and maybe it’s time to grow up. And in that moment, Winston was the voice of the Nick and Jess shippers.

It’s all very romantic. Nick runs out to a crying Jess and they reunite. They ride off into the night, going anywhere. Next season may be a different story, but that left me feeling happy and content.

Schmidt’s love life isn’t so perfect. Elizabeth asks CeCe if Schmidt is the one she is in love with. CeCe admits he is, and suddenly Schmidt is forced to make a decision. Elizabeth or CeCe. Currently I’m rooting for Elizabeth. But who knows how I’ll feel next season.

It’s the perfect funny yet emotional season ender, to the perfect funny yet emotional season. I can’t wait for next year.


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