Army Wives Vote! Who's Your Favorite New Man in Uniform?

AW 7x10d

Army Wives may be a show that is anchored by the women and what is happening at home, but their male counterparts have come to be equally important to the viewers. This season we’ve been introduced to a slew of new men in uniform. With ten episodes behind us, I thought this was a good time to weigh in on our new soldiers. Check out the lineup below, and vote for your favorite new man! (And of course, wishing all of them a safe return home.)


AW hectorHector Cruz (JJ Soria) – Hector actually arrived at Fort Marshall last season with his then-wife Gloria, but I’ve decided to include him on this list, since he’s not a veteran of the series. Hotheaded and impulsive, Hector has gotten himself into quite a bit of trouble with his lack of self-control. But after cheating on Gloria and impregnating Penny, Hector finally seems to be growing up a bit. Have you forgiven him?


AW Patrick


Patrick Clarke (Brant Daugherty) The son of General Robert and Jackie Clarke, Patrick has Army blood running deep in his veins. But that hasn’t stopped him from falling for Gloria, a private’s ex-wife, with no connection to the military. Despite his mother’s reservations, Pat was insistent on pursuing a relationship with Gloria. But, upon discovering that Hector (Gloria’s ex-husband) was one of his subordinates, Patrick was forced to put their relationship on hold. Do they have a future? Are you on Team Patrick?


AW eddieEddie Hall (Burgess Jenkins) – When we first met Eddie he seemed kind and mild, trying to avoid confrontation, while working with his new wife to manage the chaos of four people living in one motel room. We learned that he fought for custody of his daughter, Caroline, to protect her from his ex-wife’s alcoholism. When Sergeant Hall arrives in Afghanistan we see a different side of Eddie – a no-nonesense, all-business military man, unwilling to take less-than-perfection from any of his men. Are you a fan of this tough-guy-family-man?



AW quincy

Quincy Montclair (Joshua Henry) – A father of three who knows his way around the kitchen. Quincy has gotten himself a reputation as the man who can make even the least appetizing pre-packaged food palatable. With spices stuffed in his uniform pockets, Quincy is the platoon mediator, helping to keep the peace for all his fellow soldiers whenever problems arise. He is definitely a favorite among his superiors – is he yours?



AW tim

Tim Truman (Jesse McCartney) – Sweet, naive, and only 18-years-old, Tim is the least likely member of the team to find himself at war. Tim spends all of his time in Afghanistan yearning for home, barely even registering that he is in a war zone. Making the best of his surroundings, all Tim wants is make friends while he’s away, so he can be reminded of home and have people with whom to share his loneliness. I fear that the innocent Tim we have come to know was lost in the fighting that took place last week. Does he still get your vote?


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