Ok so I was going to compile a list of the Top 5 pilots offered by Amazon unfortunately that turned out to be impossible because they didn’t have 5 worth watching. Hey come on don’t fret it’s not all bad news there are a few that are worth checking out and because I don’t want you to have to tread through that minefield all by yourself I went a head and saw them for you. No, no thanks are necessary. Although they are welcome.
Betas starring Joe Dinicol, Karan Soni, Jonathan C. Daly, and Charlie Saxton (don’t worry if you don’t know who they are I had to iMDB them too so you are not alone) is about 4 guys who are trying to make it big in the world of algorithm’s and the Silicon Valley. Did you just nod off there for a second? Well wake up because this show believe it or not was actually pretty good and pretty funny with most of the credit going to Jonathan C. Daly who plays Hobbes. If he had a friend named Calvin this show would be perfect without saying one damn word. Although a lot of the techno jargon went completely over my head…I’m lucky I can work my computer, they didn’t lay it on so thick that you felt you needed Charlie Epps to explain it to you.
Onion News Empire starring William Sadler, Jeffrey Tambor, Chris Masterson, Cheyenne Jackson, and Aja Naomi King is The Newsroom meets Mad TV but with less bodily function gags. There are some shows that you watch for the acting alone and this would be one of those shows. Because without the grade A work provided here by Sadler, Tambor, and King I’m not all that sure I would stick around for more than a few episodes. The thing about satire is that if not done exactly right it runs the risk of becoming stale and cheap so it will be interesting to see if they can maintain the same comedic forward motion.
I kid you not the funniest scene in the whole freaking pilot was the first oh I don’t know minute maybe minute and a half between two office workers played by Rachel Cannon and Tim Bagley. Now I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone but considering it is called Zombieland if you were to assume that these two didn’t make it past those first couple of minutes well let’s just say that you wouldn’t be making an ass out of yourself. If you are looking for mediocrity then this is the show for you.
Browsers a show about a group of interns working and singing at a news website. Yes, yes I did say singing. It is no exaggeration when I say by the end of the pilot I wanted to smack the guy that came up with the concept of musicals. If you’re looking for more information regarding the pilot sorry I don’t have anything for you because you see I was too busy wishing that my eardrums had been gouged out before watching Browsers.